Over Sky End (Common Route) 2. Answer correctly and select any delusions you wish. Deep Sky End 4.

Answer correctly and select any delusions you wish.

Be warned that if you attempt to do this before finishing the Common Route, an incomplete version of the ending is shown.The first is reached by choosing the negative delusion in the delusion trigger you are shown right before the chapter’s title card.The second is reached by selecting the negative delusion while at the café.The third is reached by not choosing a delusion at the delusion choice in the café.The fourth is reached by choosing positive before the chapter’s title card, neutral at the house, and positive at the café.After all of the above has been completed, you might still be missing a few delusions and achievements. The following order is highly recommended for the best possible experience: 1. If you want to re-read Common Route after your first playthrough, do not select any positive delusions throughout the story after starting a new game.To reach it, select all positive and additional delusions from a new game, including the ones on the route itself. On subsequent playthroughs, you will need to select specific delusions to access routes. You are free to select any delusions that you wish to see on this playthrough.Do your best to complete the prompts at the clubroom’s map correctly, but be especially careful not to make a mistake on Chapter 4’s prompt—answering incorrectly twice on that prompt will lead you to a bad ending that is better experienced after finishing the Common Route.You need to complete this ending in order to be able to access any other routes, as well as the True Ending. There is one bad ending in this chapter, triggered by making too many mistakes on a certain choice—avoid this ending until you finish the route.You need to play the common route first in order to unlock the others. Chaos;Child Common Route Part 1: Who cut the cheese? Dream Sky End / Another Sky End (interchangeable, either can be played first with no consequence) There is one bad ending in this chapter, triggered …

This is a 100% walkthrough for Chaos;Child, designed to allow readers to play through in the optimal route order while unlocking every scene, CG, music track, and tip along the way (with the exception of neutral delusion choices and incorrect map answers). The following sections will show you how view every bad ending.In Chapter 4, when you have to choose options for the map, select both of the incorrect options. We outline which delusions should be chosen in which order below.This is the Common Route. Chaos Child Walkthrough Recommended Route Order.

Common Route. Dream Sky End / Another Sky End (interchangeable, either can be played first with no consequence) 5. Hinae’s route will begin after the end of Chapter 6.To reach the Dream Sky End, you will need to select all negative delusions, except for the delusion that occurs after you leave the hospital in Chapter 5. Upon completing all other endings, an option to begin the True Ending will be made available on the title screen.Chaos;Child contains a few bad endings, though none are required to achieve the true ending. - YouTube The following order is highly recommended for the best possible experience:Note that for your first playthrough, you are locked onto Common Route no matter what delusions you choose through the Delusional Trigger system. Aside from one bad ending in Chapter 4, you’re locked onto this route on your first playthrough.

If you want to read this route again after your first playthrough, play through the game without selecting any positive delusions.As a general rule, in order to get a certain character's route, you must It will be immediately obvious how to obtain this ending once After finishing all of this, there may be remaining delusions that have not yet been read. This is a 100% walkthrough for Chaos;Child, designed to allow readers to play through in the optimal route order while unlocking every scene, CG, music track, and tip along the way (with the exception of neutral delusion choices and incorrect map answers).Almost anything will do for this. Real Sky End 6. Almost anything will do for this. This time, choose negative while at the house, and select positive while at the café.To reach this ending, you will need select all the positive delusions and additional delusions except for the delusion in Chapter 3 where you’re alone with Hinae preparing for the culture festival, and the delusion in Chapter 3 where you’re sleeping in the clubroom before the cultural festival.This is Serika Onoe’s ending, and is also known as the True Ending.
Silent Sky End (True Ending) You must choose positive at this delusion.This route will begin after the end of Chapter 8. Choose positive on the delusion that appears before the route’s title card is shown.To complete the Dream Sky End, you will need to choose the positive delusion while at the house, and positive again at the delusion in the café.To reach the Another Sky End, begin by completing the Dream Sky End requisites. Dark Sky End 3.