THE PITCHES The WIFFLE® ball is thrown like a baseball and will curve very easily. Once both teams have batted and completed their outs, the inning will turn over to the next number in the following order.Typically, Wiffle Ball is played with just 2 outs per inning, but can be adjusted to the number of players on each team.You do not usually run the bases in a game of Wiffle Ball. There is no actual base running and the batting team should keep track of the imaginary runners.

The batter is deemed out if,There are nine innings to play the game. The distance from home plate to the base of the center field wall or fence should be between 95 and 125 feet.
But, knowing your strike zone is a great way to approach the plate and being able to hit.

An inning is completed when both teams have batted in a block. Fun for all ages! Wiffle ball is a fun sport, and though it started as a backyard game, it has gained recognition as an important recreational and tournament grade game of late. An ordinary broom handle can be used if a WIFFLE bat is not available. Before you are ready to bat, know your strike zone. Unlike other serious sports, you can play Wiffle ball game in your lawn, backyard, and even on the streets. Plastic Wiffle ball is a fun sport, and though it started as a backyard game, it has gained recognition as an important recreational and tournament grade game of late. Ghost Runners are imaginary runners and advance on the next hit. You could be one of three top finalists to advance and square off in the Home Run Derby Championship under The Hollow’s bright lights, cameras, and big crowds. Depending on where it lands, teams use ‘ghost runners’ as players don’t actually run. However, if you are younger or new to the game, adjust the Home Run are as you see fit.When a batter hits the ball, the ball will land in one of the four categories.

Join us for our first annual Wiffle® Ball at The Hollow’s Home Run Derby. The balls hit in the respective areas, without getting caught constitute a single, double, triple, and the home run area respectively. Pitches can move and dance in weird directions, so you will need to be ready with some fast reflexes. The distance from home plate to the foul poles should be between 80 and 105 feet. Three outs to retire a side per inning.

How to Play Wiffle Ball. If a ball is hit on the ground and you pick it up cleanly (not dropping it bobbling it) before the ball stops rolling, that is an out. Because the ball will not travel far when solidly hit, ball chasing and base running have been eliminated. With the ability to play just about anywhere and with any amount of players, Wiffle Ball is all inclusive.We’ll give you a quick insight to the rules, how to play, and some tips on how you can be the best Wiffle Ball player in your league!Like baseball, the team with the highest run total at the end of a set number of innings determines the winner. Look at the photo to see some simple Wiffle ball grips easy to master.As a batter, you don’t want to look like you’re swinging a garden hose, flailing the bat everywhere.

Normally, a game will be 5-6 innings, but many leagues use nine innings to complete a game. To the base, the player should hit the ball successfully in one of the zones, without the ball being caught.


The ball must clearly be in motion and cannot stop at any point before being picked up. As mentioned before, Wiffle Ball is played with a set number of players on each team. Lastly, a strikeout consist of a batter not hitting the ball before 3 strikes have been called.
Only white color Wiffle balls will be used for the game. Wiffle ball is a fun sport that mimics baseball, softball, and stickball.

Teams take turns fielding and batting.Fields are broken into four categories: Single, Double, Triple and Home Run. If an outfielder touches the ball, it is still considered a home run. The fence or wall should be between four and 16 feet high. The equipment required to play the Wiffle ball game is also simple.

Wiffle Ball is played with a bat, ball, strike zone (made into a rectangular shape), cones and sometimes even fences for home runs. Official wiffle ball fields should be enclosed with a fence or wall extended from one foul pole to the other. I'm also the head of the expert team who brings the best advice when it comes to sports products. No personal bats or balls can be used in the Tournament or Home Run Derby. If you have hit a single, and then you hit a double in your next at bat, your first ghost runner would then be on 3 → Runner on first base moves to second on a single, third on a double and home on a triple. Markers should be roughly 20 feet between each area.

The ease of this game is great that even a broom handle can come handy to play the game, in case a The game is played with one team on the bat and the other team doing fielding. Run the bases, play defense, peg base runners, steal home plate & hit homeruns. As stated above, the WIFFLE ball was designed for use in congested areas. The size of the playing field is optional, but we recommend a minimum dimension of 20 feet in width at the home run markers (approx. I will go into further detail in the ‘rules’ section.However, if you're feeling particularly energetic and want to run the bases, have at it! There are numerous grips and pressures that can be applied to the ball to make it go in one direction or another. Backyard Wiffle Ball is the ultimate way to play America’s pastime – baseball.