Add Comment. Chapter 2 notes . he is bored, he heard about a portent monster, so he is basically searching for Moby dick. It is sort of his way to leave the world, sort of committing suicide but still being alive.

What is the name of the first city in which Ishmael looks for lodging? What is the topic of the preacher's sermon?The pulpit is a ship. The congregation was also very diverse. How does he survive?Moby Dick destroys the boat.

0 1 0. On what logic basis does Ishmael join in Queequeg's rituals?

How is he viewed by the sailors?

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They resolve to go to Nantucket together. cato. What is Ahab's answer?The captain asks from help to finding his son who was lost on a whaling mission Ahab simply asks where he saw the last white whale. cure his depression as an alternative to suicide. By contrast with his namesake from Book of Genesis, who is banished into the desert, Ishmael is wandering upon the sea. What is significant about these words? What is the name of the inn that Ishmael eventually settles into? How is the ship a microcosm of the world, or America?Many races, belief, and socioeconomic groups are present. The crewmen don't like the fact that the Mongolians don't have to work.Who is the captain of the first ship the Pequod meets? Lv 7. Queequeg decides that he and Ishmael will be best friends and that they are a package deal. He eventually get saves by Ishmael and QueequegWhile Ahab chases Moby Dick unsuccessfully, Starbuck does what?

he saw that sailors were wicked.

What accounts for these different perspectives?He views Moby Dick as just another whales.
Why was he unsuccessful in his quest? where does ishmael do whenever he finds himself "growing grim in the mouth? He says no at the end.What is St. Elmo's fire? Queequeg had just claimed that Ahab was his god. A harpoon had taken the place of a scepter for Queequeg. Ishmael wonders why Queequeg did not propose going home and having a coronation, but he is fearful that Christians had unfitted him for ascending the undefiled throne of thirty pagan kings before him.

What type of whale is it?Starbuck is concerned that Ahab seems determined to hunt a particular whale instead of just going whale hunting and collecting profitable whale oil for the ship owners. He is desired as a harpooner, but will only sign on a ship if Ishmael is part of the deal.What is ironic about when Queequeg and Ishmael visit the church?
The minister was a whaler first then a preacher. Moby Dick - From his discussion in Chapter 1, why does Ishmael decide to go to sea?

It indicates that he's done listening to Ahab's crazy orders.They use gun powder barrels to free themselves from the iceWhen the oil casks start leaking from age, Starbuck and Ahab disagree on what to do.

Why does Ishmael go to sea as a sailor rather than as a passenger? What happens to him?He was thrown over the side of the boat.

He doesn't really think anything of Moby Dick, he just kind of let it go. Everything that could have go wrong, went wrong. 6 years ago. Who is the lone survivor?

What is his estimation of Captain Ahab?His ultimate goal is Just to harpoon a lot of whales and get home safely. silence sentinels.

Each Ishmael, however, experiences a miraculous rescue; in the Bible from thirst, here from drowning. how does ishmael described his willingness to be pushed around? Starbuck is disgustedHow does Starbuck view Moby Dick? What does Queequeg share with Ishmael (name at least three things)?

Because Ahab knows what St. Elmo's fire is and so uses it to make it seem as though he can control the natural world. Answered by jill d #170087 on 10/26/2015 4:03 PM Again, Ishmael goes to sea in order to make a living. The book of Jonah, with the story of the whaleThe men eating dinner on board the Pequod are very diverse.