同誌での仕事と並行してアヴェドンは、ニュースクール・フォー・ソーシャル・リサーチ(現在のニュースクール大学)のデザイン研究所でブロドヴィッチに写真を師事1947年のパリ・オートクチュール・秋冬コレクションの写真の『ハーパース・バザー』掲載数においてアヴェドンはダール=ウォルフを上回り、(ダール=ウォルフは激怒したものの)アヴェドンは同誌での地位を確固たるものとした。 Richard Avedon (May 15, 1923 – October 1, 2004) was an American fashion and portrait photographer. The book also provides another reason why Avedon may have preferred not to live with his wife: his bisexuality. More about Richard Avedon I cannot interpret her. Richard Avedon was previously married to Doe Avedon. Two exhibition sets of Avedon had numerous museum exhibitions around the world. There is no going further than who she is. She is already there. Richard Avedon was in relationships with Mike Nichols and Allen Ginsberg. In 1944, Avedon began working as an advertising photographer for a department store, but was quickly endorsed by Alexey Brodovitch, who was art director for the fashion magazine In 1946, Avedon had set up his own studio and began providing images for magazines including In addition to his continuing fashion work, by the 1960s Avedon was making studio portraits of civil rights workers, politicians and cultural dissidents of various stripes in an America fissured by discord and violence.A personal book called “Nothing Personal,” with a text by his high school classmate Avedon was always interested in how portraiture captures the personality and soul of its subject. リチャード・アヴェドン(Richard Avedon 、1923年5月15日 - 2004年10月1日はアメリカ合衆国の写真家。 ファッション写真およびアート写真の分野で大きな成功 … He worked for Harper's Bazaar and Vogue, specializing in capturing movement in still pictures of fashion, theater and dance. Il continuera d’être connu pour ses innombrables portraits en noir et blanc. It began its work shortly after his death in 2004. Avedon, who was born in 1923, had a confidant for his affairs in Stevens, who was his devoted studio director and “work wife.” That day at the studio, Avedon wanted to make sure I was sufficiently versed in his career. She has achieved in herself her ultimate portrait. "Scholastic Inc., Newsroom, AMERICA’S MOST CREATIVE TEENS NAMED AS NATIONAL 2016 SCHOLASTIC ART & WRITING AWARDS RECIPIENTS, Welsh, James Michael; Gene D. Phillips; Rodney Hill The Francis Ford Copolla Encyclopedia Scarecrow Press Lanham, Maryland 2010, p. 154.

His large-format portrait work of drifters, miners, cowboys and others from the western United States became a best-selling book and traveling exhibit entitled Serious heart inflammations hindered Avedon's health in 1974.During the production period Avedon encountered problems with size availability for quality printing paper.
I can only record. Based in New York, the foundation is the repository for Avedon's photographs, negatives, publications, papers, and archival materials.Hepburn was Avedon's muse in the 1950s and 1960s, and he went so far as to say: "I am, and forever will be, devastated by the gift of Audrey Hepburn before my camera. Richard Avedon was born on May 15, 1923 in New York City, New York, USA as Richard C. Avedon. Richard Avedon, the most successful fashion photographer of all time, was married twice and fathered a son, but now, a dozen years after … I cannot lift her to greater heights. 当時金髪のモデルはあまり好まれなかったが、この頃から金髪のモデルを使ったファッション写真の撮影に本格的に取り組んでおり、サニー・ハーネット(映画の製作が始まったのは1956年の春であったが、その時点でアヴェドンは単なるファッション写真家を越えた存在となっており、その消息はしばしばニュースで報じられるまでになっていた。またアヴェドンが毎年2回行うパリ・コレクション撮影でのモデルたちとのエピソードも「モデルが勝手に夜遊びに出かけてしまい、撮影隊が夜のパリの歓楽街で捜索を繰り広げた」「撮影中にセーヌ河に落ちた」「モデルが金持ちのボンボンにナンパされて駆け落ちしそうになった」「撮影に集中しすぎてドヴィマがエッフェル塔から転落しそうになった」等面白おかしく伝えられるようになっていた。アヴェドンは「パリの恋人」に自ら撮影したファッション写真を多数提供した他、ちなみにこの映画の撮影と並行して1956年のパリ・コレクション撮影も行ない、スージー・パーカーとロビン・タターサル(2010年11月22日、パリのクリスティーズでアヴェドン財団が所有するアヴェドン作品のプリントが多数競売にかけられた。65ロットの中でも最高額での落札となったのは、1978年にメトロポリタン美術館で開催された回顧展の為にプリントされた1955年作の「Dovima with elephants」 [1] An obituary published in The New York Times said that "his fashion and portrait photographs helped define … He was married to Evelyn Franklin and Doe Avedon. 5: Tomorrow's Woman (1966) and Gilda Live (1980). He died on October 1, 2004 in San Antonio, Texas, USA. Avedon a su faire de la photographie un véritable art. Each print required meticulous work, with an average of thirty to forty manipulations. As his reputation as a photographer became widely known, he photographed many noted people in his studio with a large-format 8×10 Avedon's mural groupings featured emblematic figures: Andy Warhol with the players and stars of In 1982 Avedon produced a playfully inventive series of advertisements for fashion label One of the things Avedon is distinguished by as a photographer is his large prints, sometimes measuring over three feet in height. His first major retrospective was at the Avedon's work is held in the following permanent collections: