If you find an injured wild animal, watch it first to see how badly hurt it is. It's often faster to take an animal to a vet or wildlife rehabilitator yourself as our nearest officer may be out of the area attending other calls. WildCare’s Hungry Owl Project has experienced tree climbers who are able to put young raptors of all ages back into their nests. Every Feather Bird & Wildlife Rescue, Create a website or blog at WordPress.com. Although Los Angeles Audubon Society (LAAS) does not attempt the rescue or rehabilitation of birds and other wildlife, we have compiled this list of other organizations and resources to provide hotline telephone numbers and online links to those seeking to provide help to injured birds and wildlife; or to report conditions that endanger birds, wildlife and water resources. If all is well, the mother will likely move her baby after the next feeding, which may not be for several hours.Call WildCare 415-456-7283 or your local rehabilitation hospital if the baby you saw is still there after 24 hours, if a fawn is bleating (crying) and walking around in the open, or you are certain the mother has been killed.Neonate (newborn) opossums are sometimes found alive inside the pouch of a dead mother. are near. Squirrels are excellent parents, but they are casual nest-builders, so they often have more than one drey. Cancel .

Throwing a towel over him may be an option. Photo by Laura Milholland Evaluating adult animals.

Robins and other birds may fly into windows when startled. Bring the animal to WildCare or your Safety first! Wildlife Rescue’s Vision is that humans come to see that we are members of a vast life community, that we experience the proper gratitude and respect for this community, and that we live in a more appropriate and compassionate manner in relation to the whole. Never handle a raccoon OF ANY AGE with your bare hands.Juvenile raccoons leave the nest at about eight to ten weeks of age and begin to travel with their mother. By instinct, they cling to her as she forages, and eventually fall off. ... and call a wildlife rescue orgainsation such as Wildlife Rescue South Coast. Many local wildlife centers will have similar programs.Nestlings are sometimes found on the ground below their nest. The following are a few of the most common incidents we deal with: Baby Birds. If one or more baby squirrels fall to the ground, their mother will often retrieve them.If you find uninjured babies and think the mother is still in the vicinity, nestle them in a warm, shallow box at the base of the tree they fell from, or in a basket suspended so it rests against the trunk, and leave the area. Every year Folly Wildlife Rescue admits some 2500 birds. Whether on a trail, in the garden or under your deck, it’s inevitable that people and wildlife are going to meet during the warmer months of the year.Sometimes an animal needs help, but often you are just observing part of his natural maturation process. Every Feather Bird Rescue opened in 2011 in Bolton, Greater Manchester. If you are uncertain whether the mother Brush Rabbit is around, you can lay small twigs in a pattern across the entrance to the rabbit’s nest, and check the next day to see if they have been disturbed.A warm quiet baby found in the grass with no obvious injuries is probably not abandoned. Many of the orphaned ducklings and goslings admitted to WildCare lose their families in this manner.Babies also get separated when they are washed away in gutters during rain storms, or when they get trapped in storm drains.If you see a duckling alone, look for mom. WildCare admits over 200 Mallard Ducklings every year to our Wildlife Hospital. If healthy and ten inches or longer he is old enough to take care of himself and doesn’t need rescue.Neonate raccoons are helpless for about six weeks, and their mother usually keeps them well hidden. If allowed to reach them, she will move them to an alternate nest. Don’t attempt to detach live babies from a dead mother, as the babies’ mouths are closed around the nipple and removal must be done very carefully.Opossums cannot be reunited with their mothers, and an opossum shorter than ten inches (including tail), will need warmth and care.Juvenile opossums are fully furred and have outgrown their mother’s pouch. If you see a dead mother opossum and it is safe to do so, always check the pouch and surrounding grass for straggling babies. Watch carefully from a distance, and if the parents do not return in over two hours, or if the baby is pushed out repeatedly, keep the baby warm and call WildCare.Fledglings are feathered birds with short tails that have hopped out of the nest to the ground, and are able to stand, hop and even run. If the lake, pond or stream is a distance away, or especially if it is across a busy road, it is easy for mother and babies to become separated. Not many listen though. If you’re using a heating pad, be sure to only put HALF of the container on the pad, to give the animal the option to move off the heat if he gets too hot. Make sure the container has a lid that won’t open, as you do not want the animal to escape.Approach the animal slowly, without speaking to him or making unnecessary noise. If no mother duck is within sight, bring the baby to your closest wildlife rescue center.