So it was possible to enter and leave the house in the morning without arousing suspicion and curiosity.At first, the catacombs were mainly burial places.

The pagans came to listen to the sermons, participated in the part of the divine services open to them. At about this same time, the stench and insanitary conditions of cemeteries in Paris were also finally drawing public attention. Sometimes they were left well enough alone for many years, but hen they were suddenly caught again, imprisoned, tortured, and executed. Under Pope Paschalis I, two thousand three hundred relics of the saints were taken out from the catacombs. Photo peet-astn Emperor Troyan, when asked by Pliny the Younger, the ruler of Bethany, what to do with Christians, replied that it was not necessary to search for them and keep an eye on them, but if someone denounced Christians, then punish them. It is considered the largest gallery system in the world.-The Catacombs of Paris, are one of the most famous cemeteries in Paris. The Catacombs of Rome film documents the history of the ancient Christian Roman cemeteries. Back in Roman times, Lutitia, the Roman name for Paris, had a population of no more than 50,000 to 80,000 inhabitants. The catacombs were known to the magistrates and the police and had to be built according to certain rules: it was forbidden to work above ground level, so when the catacomb was full, they cut steps to a lower level and began to build a gallery below. A) The Christians had built separate tunnels as hiding places outside the walls of Rome. The early christians would also pray in the catacombs and have religious ceremonies for their departed loved ones. -The Catacombs of Odesa (present-day Ukraine), with about 2,500 km of galleries. All of them freely entered the courtyard, someone walked into the inner rooms, someone, having passed what he needed to the servants, left without seeing the owner.

There have also been tragic excesses. The christians did not live in the catacombs. They say that the total length of their corridors is more than 500 kilometers. The Pope Boniface IV, on the occasion of the consecration of the Pantheon, took out thirty-two carts with the relics of the saints from the catacombs. From the early 2nd century to the 5th century CE, fossores or specialized workers built these subterranean wonders that became the final resting place for many Christian martyrs, as well as Jewish and pagan citizens. While it can not be exluded that some christians could have sought temporary refuge during a fierce persecution, scholars agree that the catacombs were not hiding places. And this accounts only for the excavations completed to date.

The catacombs were carved out of tufa - a soft and porous volcanic stone that is surprisingly strong. In Rome for example, a pagan His book was published in 1568.And only then Antonio Bosio took up the study of the catacombs, describing the results of his labors in Roma Sotterranea, his three-volume essay. The persecutions, which had begun under Nero, and continued at intermittent periods, came to and end with the Edict of Milan. Every contender is left with his own…The term “writing” is ok to use but if you want to go back to sacred tradition, “icon painter” or… The right to burial was sacred and invioable. 16. Today, through a Roman Catacombs tour, we can peek into the past, a period between the 2nd-4th centuries when Rome was transitioning from a Pagan religion to Christianity. And again everything calmed down for several years.Emperor Troyan, when asked by Pliny the Younger, the ruler of Bethany, what to do with Christians, replied that it was not necessary to search for them and keep an eye on them, but if someone denounced Christians, then punish them. Many of the christian cataombs were built upon the already existing complexes. The last Roman bishop buried in them was Pope Melchiad. As the christian community grew, new christian catacombs were founded, while the older ones were greatly expanded. Hence the tradition of celebrating the Liturgy on the relics of the saints, the particles of which were then sewn up into special piece of fabric – the antimins. In 1578, the Italian archaeologist Antonio Bosio discovered the ancient Christian catacombs in Rome.Subsequently, in the vicinity of Rome, several dozen catacombs were discovered. Even slaves, who never enjoyed any rights during their lifetime, were guaranteed the right to a dignified burial. They helped the poor, visited the sick, taught new converts, collected money for all this.

It happened that in Rome Christians lived quietly, but in Africa or Galia they were brutally persecuted, and vice versa. The most ancient ones date back to 107, not to the first century, as many think.Although in Rome Christians were not embraced, they were subjected to repression with long time intervals.

The Catacombs, once an underground quarry. The Roman Catacombs display architectural brilliance; they are carved out volcanic rock, are built for miles at stretch, and lie several feet deep into the ground.