Upper level features for the May 1977 snowstorm. We last saw snow in May all the way back in… 2011, just last year, and we also saw more snow in 2010. On May 7, 1989, a record-setting May snowfall occurred in Buffalo, New York; 7.9 inches fell, shattering the old record which was 80 years old. I've seen snow showers in May during 2005, 2006 and 2010 but no covering.I remember mid May 95 being cold and raw as a frontal system brought heavy wet snow on the 17th.

We last saw snow in May all the way back in… 2011, just last year, and we also saw more snow in 2010.If we look back through the records dating back to 1910, the snowiest May on record was most likely in 1979 when 342 weather observation sites reported snow on 2 May.This snowy spell lasted through the whole of the first week of that month. When looking over these time periods the warming trend over the last 150 years is quite clear. Just had a question from a friend which I couldn't answer.When was the last time it snowed in May in England?Sleety showers fell in the northern third of England down to sea level on the 11th May 2010, with snow for some in the heavier showers. There were localised snowfalls during the notoriously cold May of 1996, and perhaps surprisingly, May 1992 also had localised snowfalls in the second week before it turned hot.Thanks for such a detailed response TWS, appreciate it!I don't think I've ever seen snow in May where I live, but then again, I struggle to get snow in the heart of winter, so no surprise there. Not … As for balanced articles since there is scientific consensus on climate change based on multiple source information, true balance would be 99.9% of media coverage spent on climate change and .1% with the skeptics. This story does not necessarily represent the position of our parent company, IBM. We typically get at least one round before we officially put the winter clothes away. For the first time in nearly half a century, snow fell in Central Park on May 9, tying the old record for latest snowfall from the same day in 1977, the National Weather Service said. If it is a conspiracy it’s rubbish because we are pumping more and more CO2 year after year and there is no forseeable change.This is the official blog of the Met Office news team, intended to provide journalists and bloggers with the latest weather, climate science and business news and information from the Met Office.

We are expecting some night-time minimums which are below average – isolated areas in Scotland and northern England could get down to freezing or just below.During the day, however, temperatures in places could get to 15C or above in parts of southern England – and it may even feel quite warm when the Sun is out, particularly in spots sheltered from the wind.There will also be some rainfall this week, but many places will see sunny and dry spells too.So, don’t throw away your summer wear yet – nor your winter woolies.Just out of curiosity, since it isn’t too unusual to experience cold / wintry weather in May, how unusual would it be to experience such weather during the summer months (June – August)?June snowfall is rare but not unheard of. The snow was part of a record-setting winter that cost Florida millions in damage to crops. A May 10, 1990 storm brought 3 inches to Madison and Milwaukee, Wis., and a record-crushing 22.4 inches to Marquette, Mich.An even later storm brought 5 to 10 inches of snow to the tri-state Siouxland area near Sioux City, Iowa, on May 28, 1947. Elsewhere, sleet showers were observed in Kent, Sussex and Hampshire. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. I couldn't really believe it at first - at the time, I never thought it would ever be cold enough for snow in May.

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