We often joked & said it was just granny thanking us for taking care of papa. That may be so. On review of the photo an egg shaped lavender orb that appears to have entered my skin half way and sort of looks for want of a better description like an onion but cut I n half but more oval. There are several scientific It is possible someday science will also be able to explain energy orbs dubbed as being paranormal. You and your friend can supportive this community by sharing your insights and experiences. It was not just against physical enemies but also metaphysical negative beings. I stared at it for a good minute long enough to where i was fixing to say something to it. Nor does it reflect my values. Thank you..I have noticed orbs in my pictures recently. On the other hand, white or silver orbs can be a sign of protection to everyone in the area. Anyone have any idea what the black diameter could mean? I could only describe them as like the little faires flying in Sleeping Beauty (Disney). To understand the purpose of these orbs, you should take this opportunity to understand the emotions that they cause you to feel. Occasionally, people can see the faces of spirits inside angel orbs. They showed up as dark blue spots and they moved like white noise on a tv screen. It had moved positions slightly in each picture. As purple is a very spiritual colour, this entity could be seeking spiritual guidance, or prompting you to consider spirituality in your own life.Yellow orbs are thought to represent caution, so pay attention! Therefore I don’t attend church officially. If you feel disturbed or unsafe, leave the area immediately.Lavender orbs are incredibly peaceful and at peace with God. Have a great day, Arianna!Ok I video orbs they are quick to catch very fast one even talked in the video what it said was scary seen many colors all seemed to they are wickedThe experiences that you had with the orbs in your life are yours to ponder. Viewed up close, angel orbs feature intricate patterns of geometric shapes, as well as colors that reveal the different characteristics in My heart felt warm and I felt odd in a peaceful way but I had gone on with my day and evening normally. It floated further and further away into the corn fields. Have a great day, Help!I seen a orb with out a camera and it was clear with a black dot in the middle what is the meaning of this one?The orb is a reflection of the influences that you have in your life. Allow this to influence you to act with kindness and compassion. One day while cleaning house I was dusting a picture of my grandmother and talked to her(with tears flowing as well). I can’t find anything on a double orb…. Some have been white but a bit of few have been blue and they are the fastest. Usually, when angels manifest in orbs, they don't have complex messages to deliver. Have a great day, Tia!Hello,just want to share about a couple of experiences I’ve had.It was around 2am(I have horrible insomnia)and I was in the living room ironing clothes. Please feel free to share more of your thoughts and feelings in the future. Blue orbs are said to be a spirit that is very calm and happy. Upon examination there were two images of large red orbs in the photos. Unlike other orbs, which may represent a spirit that never touched this world in the first place, a green orb was likely an actual human at one point. Some crazy shit had been happening in my house the last month, and I’m just glad to know that I’m not crazy nor am I in danger. Usually i get mainly orba that are White or greyish. Perhaps take some time to consider these orbs while they are around you, and attempt to watch your dogs behaviors when the orbs are around it. Allow this orb to influence you to treat everyone in your life with kindness and compassion. Plus on November 17, 2016, Troy and I went hunting at our hunting club in Call, Tx, we got back to the truck right at dark and hovering above the tree line was a big white light.