In the original Steins;Gate, we just thought that Okabe did it instantly with his plan to fool the universe, but it was much more than that. Or do you think there were more iterations after that? I doubt anyone will see this, but it's for myself anyways. Kagari from Milky Way Crossing (that has Kagari's face) grows up with the members of the lab and might be a Kagari that do not dies in one other ending.I agree with your that some things are poorly explained in the game and some details seems like to exist just to let the player confused (like the Yuki's wounded arm).The biggest issue with Yuki is that according to Kagayuki, she was in Europe and wouldn't have met Daru for another year or so. So, though they are different, practically speaking there is no difference between the memories of the first and the third Okabe till the point of the first time travel in episode 23 which means you can say that its the first "Okabe" whose memory S;G Okabe recieves.I have explained the concept of memory "passing" in another answer of mine. Which means it would be Milky Way Crossing worldline. Thanks by this man, i just finished the game and my head was about to explode.Some other things i learned in this sub that could make your post more complete:The girl in the bike suit that tries to kidnap Kagari is Dr. Reyes, since in that worldline Kagari is in the lab, Moeka proves that her arm is normal and Iuki had a lot of chances to kinap Kagari if she wanted (seems like the wound in her arm is just a coincidence)Kagari from the end of Vega and Altair is not the same Kagari we see in Milky Way Crossing, since the worldlines are completely different. That was a great ride, not as awesome as the original IMO but I'll miss it. And wouldn't the Okabe Rintaro from the beta wordline merge with the one from the alpha wordline?

Okabe gets in C193 to go and save Mayuri and Suzuha.Worldline where in -18000, Okabe landed shortly after Mayuri and Suzuha arrived. In the last episode, after they save Kurisu, Suzuha is returned to the future, because in the Steins Gate timeline the time machine is never created, so she can't come to the past. What a final episode should I say. And where are the Japanese Shaman girls!?!?!?! Third's future is what is shown in S;G from episode 23. Archived. Makes no sense whatsoever.

This is just another proof of the past changing, in which Okabe moved from a worldline where he never met Kagari in the past to one where he did.So this explains the dream Okabe has in Steins;Gate, where he meets Mayuri 70 million years ago.I believe Okabe died 70 million years ago with Mayuri amd Suzuha. This is the Listen to this guy. Kagari from Vega and Altair (that made plastic surgery to look like as Iuki Amane) is killed by Moeka. Both these messages are given to Lukako, and this is where I see a lot of confusion in the community. We saw Kagari their with the whole crew. Steins;Gate 0 I think is a great game and really awesome sequel/prequel, but far and away, it's biggest flaw is explaining how everything ties together. I simply tried piecing everything together.And thanks for the correction, I typed 2011 instead of 2010, I'll edit the post.Beta CD does not have the same content as SG 0 so it's actually unknown whether they get stuck before succeeding or after.I just finished the game one hour ago.

Which the VN didn't.So, is 1.123581 (the last divergence showed in the anime) the last iteration? Remember before leaving, he says something along the lines of “We still have a tough fight until 2036”. I need a Steins;Gate explanation (Spoilers) EDIT 2: Here is my list of possible plot holes, followed with my rebuttal. Posted by u/[deleted] 7 years ago.

And in which year?It's not stated in certain terms, but if he does die 70 million years ago (this is corroborated by the dreams in the original), then there would be no Reading Steiner. Having spent the past 14 years with Maho, Daru and the rest of the lab members to find a solution; Okabe comes up with the plan that he explained in the original Steins Gate: Fake Kurisu's death and ensure the research paper burns in the airplane accident. It’s a prototype. ?The Nostalgia Drive (by itself it doesn't do anything)Suzuha who knows about the details of Operation SkuldAlso why is suddenly Alpha mentioned ? He gives them a spare battery and they leave to...Worldline after 2025 with Mayuri and 2 Suzuhas (probably). Well, they adopt the MWC route finally. Fast forward to after it was sent. Okabe moves on and thanks to the D-Rine he comes up with Operation Skuld. Until then, I’m happy that Mayuri and Suzuha got stuck on the way back from 2010 - this is shown in the 2025 Suzuha would be 7-8 years old, since she's 18 in 2036.You bring up an excellent point, though - Suzuha as the third "key" to Steins;Gate is a great find!Thanks! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Thanks for having making a post that puts it all together. This episode of Steins Gate 0. In a completely unexpected turn of events, a face from the past returns to the present with a working time machine and a mission for Okabe -- a mission that could prevent World War III! Daru records a message for 2011 Suzuha, telling her to take Mayuri with her to August 2010 and make 2010 Mayuri slap Okabe. You said Okabe went to bring mayuri and suzuha. Instead, we have to wait until 2036, because that’s the date where Suzuha will become old enough to time travel. )Thank you for this. Please flair and spoiler tag your posts accordingly.Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser.