Siniša Mali (42) je u timu prvog potpredsednika Vlade i igra glavnu ulogu kada su finansijski sektor i privreda još od januara 2013. godine, od kada je savetnik prvog potpredsednika Vlade Republike Srbije. During his tenure, Mali was in charge of the execution of the From 2005 to 2008, Mali was the chairman of the real estate company "NCA Investment Group Doo Beograd".Mali has served as a chairman of several boards of directors, including Fiat Automobil Srbija and Komercijalna banka,Mali's private business was being investigated by the Serbian Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering (APML) in 2016. The prosecutors dismissed the case, as they did not find evidence of criminal activity and therefore rejected to launch an investigation.In 2012, Mali was appointed as the advisor for economic affairs to the First Deputy Prime Minister From the very first moment of his appointment in 2014, Mali initiated a comprehensive financial Mali's tenure as the Mayor of Belgrade was marked with numerous significant infrastructure projects such as completion of the On 29 May 2018, he was appointed as the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Serbia in the cabinet of At the beginning of his tenure as the Minister of Finance, Mali has emphasised the two main goals; maintenance of the On 4 July 2019, Mali was appointed as the president of the Coordination Body for Combat against Mali holds the position of a member of the Presidency of the Mali submitted his thesis at the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade, in 2002. Juli 2001 gingen alle operativen Tätigkeiten im Zusammenhang mit der Privatisierung des Ministeriums an die Agentur. Bio je asistent na pet predmet… Earlier, during 2015, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) and Serbian investigative journalism outlet KRIK discovered that Mali controls 42 bank accounts, registered under himself, his wife, and his three underage children. Siniša Mali (Beograd, 25. avgust 1972) srpski je političar, ekonomista, funkcioner Srpske napredne stranke (SNS) i ministar finansija Republike Srbije. Er ist Mitglied der Serbischen Fortschrittspartei.

Дипломирао је и магистрирао на Економском факултету Универзитета у Београду. Genauso wie viele serbische Politiker, wird auch Mali des Plagiats beschuldigt. These accounts were holding sums of money far exceeding his official salary. Auf dieser Position blieb er bis Ende 2003.

Siniša je pohađao Petu beogradsku gimnaziju. Der aus Serbien stammende und an der Wiesbadener Am 21. Mali wurde am 25. APML suspected Mali's accounts and apartment purchases as a money-laundering scheme and reported it to the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade. In 1995, he completed his undergraduate studies, while in 1998 he received his master's degree at the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade.

Mit der Errichtung der Agentur für Privatisierung am 17. Im Jahr 2012 wurde er zum Berater für Finanzen und Wirtschaft des ersten Vizepräsidenten der serbischen Regierung Nachdem der ehemalige Finanzminister aus persönlichen Gründen zurückgetreten war, wurde Siniša Mali auf Vorschlag der Premierministerin Ana Brnabić am 29. Infolgedessen reichte die Kommission einen Antrag auf Annullierung des Titels bei dem Rat der Universität Belgrad ein. Siniša Mali (Beograd, 25. avgust 1972), je srpski ekonomista, političar, član Predsedništva Srpske napredne stranke (SNS) i ministar finansija u Vladi Republike Srbije.

Bivši je gradonačelnik Beograda (2014—2018).

Početkom jula, 2019. goodine, Mali je imenovan na mesto predsednika Koordinacionog tela za sprečavanje pranja novca i finansiranja terorizma … Letzte Überprüfung: 28. Seinen Universitätsabschluss in Bevor er Fuß in die Politik fasste, war Mali vier Jahre lang (jeweils zwei Jahre in Im Februar 2001 wurde er zum stellvertretenden Minister für Privatisierung im Ministerium für Wirtschaft und Privatisierung der Regierung Serbiens ernannt.