Whether a retiring friend, your boss, mom, dad or colleague, you can find special messages, poems, and wordings right here to convey your felicitations in a very special way. Acknowledge the person's contribution and hard work over their career, thanking them for their commitment and the work that they have done, and to celebrate how much they have accomplished over their career. Congratulations!Retiring does not mean that we will lose touch.

Now, get out there and show the world just how much fun is possible.You have made such a difference with your constant optimism, enthusiasm and willingness to answer questions, no matter how stupid. You will certainly be missed here.As your career comes to an end, please know that your influence carries on. We're so pleased you'll have more time for yourself and that you can enjoy all those things you've wanted to do. We will miss you!

Thank you for being someone we can look up to. If you ever get bored, give us a call us and hang out with us.May you live out your retirement dreams to its fullest.Congratulations on your retirement, we’re so happy for you.Wishing you an amazing retirement, the best is still to come.May your retirement be filled with many new adventures, meaningful moments, and much happiness.We congratulations on your retirement. Wishing you a wonderful retirement. Congratulations on your retirement, we'll miss you around the office. Hope you’ll enjoy every minute of your retirement. You deserve a great retirement, but I know you will still keep yourself busy.This is the beginning of the rest of your life and the rest of your life. Retirement is a blank sheet of paper. You guided me through and taught me the ropes. You will be missed. All the best for a wonderful retirement! Retirement - it's doing nothing without worrying about getting caught at it! Congratulations! Thank you for all the hard work! Happy Retirement!Wishing you a new journey of success and happiness in the new page of your life. A collection of retirement card messages to wish the retiree all the best for the next chapter of their life. You've accomplished so much over your career and we're going to miss your guidance, support, and positive attitude. We wish you a long, happy retirement. We were glad to work with a boss like you and wish you a happy retirement!Your life’s work has made a difference! Spend it well.I am happy to see you retire at just the perfect time. Make sure you work just as hard at relaxing as you have in your long career.Your career has earned you money over the years, but now you get to cash in on all the time you’ve earned. I am confident you’ll never stop working on things you love to do.To stay balanced in life, work like you’re retired and retire like it’s your job.If you found happiness or fulfillment in the workforce, then it’s likely you’ll do the same now that even more possibilities are open to you.It is important to understand that whenever you decide to add the personalized information in Always remember to add immense love and respect in your content because this factor is no doubt irreplaceable. Thank you for everything you did. You are one of the reasons I have fun working.

I hope you have a wonderful retirement! I’m sure you will meet new challenges with your usual optimism. Here’s to finally getting your wishes granted!You can be taken out of the workforce, but the workforce can never be taken out of you. I congratulations on your retirement.Best wishes for an awesome retirement. Remind them all the things about work that they might NOT miss in retirement, like stressful end-of-year deadlines, bad coffee, or very long Monday morning staff meetings! Want to write a personalized message that will make them smile and feel good about themselves? Enjoy this new chapter of your life, and we wish you all the best! E.g. If you're looking for a personalized retirement gift or some funny retirement gag gift ideas, do take a look at these related articles below, and also our Even with great intentions and efforts, retirement messages can be difficult to write for a co-worker.

All the best!To say you will be missed seems like such an understatement. You're not truly retired - [insert hobby, eg. Congratulations, and enjoy your new found freedom! Congratulations!It’s great to see someone retire who is as deserving as you.