Thank you for your generous support! View the MP schedule here.In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. At North Texas Food Bank 54% of the meals we provide access to are tied to government programs. As a program site, we understand and will abide by these online ordering requirements: Coordinators MUST place orders by 5 PM Wednesday for the following week.

The below will not be a basis for becoming or remaining a Food 4 Kids site, however your participation is appreciated. We will ensure the school and/or program complies with all applicable federal and local statutes, ordinances and regulations.

Participants must limit the volunteer involvement of any one-time or non-regular volunteer who has not been subject to a national background check strictly to open and supervised activities. Please enter the information of the person who will serve as the alternate site coordinator – the person who will serve as site coordinator in the case of the site coordinator's absence or departure from the school – below: Get food assistance through the North Texas Food Bank. No proof is necessary, the process is a self-declaration. *As the Site Coordinator you must include your name/signature. With rising unemployment, we expect the need for hunger-relief services to continue to grow in the coming months. Reality smacked Trisha Cunningham in the face on April 2 as the 55-year-old CEO of the North Texas Food Bank surveyed an endless line of cars at Fair Park waiting for free boxes of food. NTFB will reject any orders made after this deadline.Site may not submit multiple orders in advance. Arrive early to ensure you get some of the fresh produce available on the North Texas Food Bank mobile food pantry. The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safety of all children that participate in the Food 4 Kids program of the North Texas Food Bank (“NTFB”). Upon submission of this form, your principal/director will receive an email with a request for them to review the form and sign.

Social Security History to assure proper identification Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.

1 in 6 people in North Texas is food insecure and doesn’t know where his or her next meal is coming from. We agree to pick-up only enough product for two weeks. These items are "banked" in a central repository. You must have a vehicle to pick up.Mobile Pantry participants are required to give their name, share their family size, and meet income requirements to receive food.

Once the invoice has been signed by an approved person (per the Signature Authorization form that is on file with NTFB), we will scan and send the invoice to The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights recognizes the right to an adequate standard of living, including adequate food, and the fundamental right to be free from hunger. In addition to the on-site food pantry, Dallas College has partnered with the North Texas Food Bank to provide a mobile food pantry that delivers fresh produce and milk to each campus monthly. The North Texas Food Bank works to provide meals to those facing hunger in North Texas. A food bank collects items from grocery stores, food retailers, restaurants, food drives and donations. We will complete a Program Signature Authorization form for staff at the school who are authorized to sign NTFB invoices accepting product. Distribute the food/backpacks to program participants every week while the program is in operation.

Reality smacked Trisha Cunningham in the face on April 2 as the 55-year-old CEO of the North Texas Food Bank surveyed an endless line of cars at Fair Park waiting for free boxes of food. Contact one of our social services staff members to get help. Prior to beginning this application, please ensure you have the following on hand: ü Basic school information, including enrollment information and percentage of children on the Free or Reduced School Meal Program Please enter the information of the person who will serve as the site coordinator below.

Feeding America is an example of a national network of 200 food banks and 60,000 food pantries. Upon submission of this application, the site coordinator and the principal/director listed will receive an email version of this agreement including the terms below. Criminal History record search

Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.

A child should never be alone with a single staff member or volunteer.Fingerprint checks are also a volunteer screening best practice. Further, the site verifies that all individuals who participate in Food 4 Kids who have direct repetitive contact with children are listed on this application, and have undergone, and passed, a National Background Search as described here. Who we serve: Children - Through no fault of their own, 35% of our clients are children.. Seniors-Most of our seniors often have to choose between food and medical care being on a limited income.With nearly a third of our clients being seniors, we … But you can help right now.

You will need to update this form on a monthly basis*

Anyone who has ongoing, frequent or recurring interactions with or around the kids who participate in the program (e.g. | EIN: 75-1785357 once each week or several times over the course of a summer) Mobile Pantry is first come, first served. Some states require youth-serving organizations to inform all potential volunteers that they may be required to be fingerprinted, whether or not the organization intends to conduct a fingerprint check.It is the responsibility of the Program Site to perform and verify the following background checks as a minimum: