A fish strikes, but Joe sights a ship, and in the rush for the oars the line goes overboard and the bracelet is lost. There are a few mergers out there that could occur. De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen, er kunnen aanvullende voorwaarden van toepassing zijn.Zie de gebruiksvoorwaarden voor meer informatie. In general, this remote era is a "great" way to push dev salaries down, even for organizations that were already decently remote like Mozilla.Salary, bonus, healthcare, dental, 401K, office space, taxes, equipment, ... employees are not cheap. They accumulate data and sell the knowledge they collected.Like any company's employees: they're all different people!

Couldn't they at least try what almost all other advanced open source organisations seem to do? Jesus.I was laid off and had 10 years of tenure. Particular areas that may be of interest include developer documentation (making It's not even listed in search engines, especially DDG, so I then have to give them the URL which adds to the awkwardness. Een jonge Duitse matroos overleeft de vernietiging en belandt in de reddingsboot. But, for that to really bear fruit, you'd need more diversity than the existing Blink + WebKit + Firefox ecosystem provides anyway, and it's not like Mozilla can conjure that out of thin air.I didn't get everything bc you can only get so far looking at the output CSS - he used Stylus here to generate most of these >> “ Yup, had to get it out quick so I went simple!“You just described 3d projection, aka how most 3d games display a 3d world on a flat monitor.Normally, however, I'd use GSAP for SVG animations: sorry if it seems like im doubting you, i am just really super impressed by this animation and wanted to understand how you put this together!also: readme is really cool! Lifeboat, a 1944 movie directed by Alfred Hitchcock; Lifeboat, a 2018 documentary "Lifeboat" (Stargate SG-1), a television episode from the TV series MDN is one of the go to resources for anyone building anything on the Web. (hence looking for more folk to hire! Now we're all a little bit smarter.>So it's not actually 3-D, you shift, scale, and rotate the 2-D elements so it appears 3-D?Yes, yes. The German sailor pulls a gun but is disarmed by Joe. Just because they aren't the bastion of privacy doesn't mean they disregard privacy completely. The “fix the internet” incubator can probably come up with services in high-growth markets that are less costly to implement and more easily monetized than a web browser (and fit their organizational goal of improving the Internet).I wish you well for the future and hope you find a new gig soon.Gutting the Servo team makes me wonder if management is going to move the rendering engine from Gecko to Blink.As a gecko tester since the very first day Netscape was open sourced and Mozilla M1 was released, this hurts.Here on the outside, it's hard not to imagine the 2022 blog post that carefully explains that the huge cost and burden of maintaining a modern independent browser engine just isn't the most efficient way of furthering Mozilla's goal of an open internet.Mozilla is definitely moving away from Firefox over the next few years, this is but one of the first steps to that end. They have decided to renew Google's partnership so Google will remain the default search engine for the foreseeable future (next 3+ years), once again talking the talk instead of walking the walk and switch to a privacy-first engine.The security and devtools teams getting axed is not only a clear signal but also the physical implementation of de-emphasizing Firefox and pushing for new standalone subscription services that don't need to be integrated (as tightly) into any browser to be used by actual people.A few years down the line of such a "strategy", all things remaining equal, I can't see the browser being even used by developers/FOSS advocates because even these kinds of people need to see at least Last but not least, with all due respect to Aaron, I can't see such strategic decisions to be taken with the assent of his team at all.