'Oh god, it really does sound really weird!

Anaru let out a sad sigh. ''And so what?' I mean, you knew I hated bugs, and even though you loved bug-catching, you were always thinking of ways to poke fun of the bugs and make them look silly so that they didn't seem so frightening any more.

Anjou Naruko, better known as 'Anaru' by her Super Peace Busters friends secretly made it her routine to write letters to her deceased childhood friend, Menma. What did you expect of Tsuruko, she's like a mother of us after all."

Naruko Anjo x Atsumu Matsuyuki. I love you because of who you are, and I don't regret it one bit.''Anaru...' Then I'll just have to visit your house every single day, after school, without fail! It may make you feel more comfortable right now, but one day you'll wake up and regret it! Hingga akhirnya, Menma pun mengirimkan surat untuk Jintan dari alam yang berbeda.Rated: T - Indonesian - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,226 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 2 - Published: Anaru and Tsuruko talk about their respective crushes.Rated: K - English - Hurt/Comfort/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,472 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 1 - Published: Tsuruko selalu, selalu, selalu dan selalu saja menciptakan jarak di antara mereka. Jintan agreed.

'Jintan had nothing to say. She thought they were selfish, and did not understand the meaning of friendship. If.. I-I do.." Jintan finally answers, in an almost inaudible tone, making everyone eye-widening-scream causing shocked.Menma was shocked the most of course, but she was happy to know they were mutual.Anaru and Yukiatsu both ball their fists, hurt and jealousy the only things on their young minds. Jintan continued shouting, until he had lost his breath. Jintan, Anaru! The difference in quality is really obvious.By the way, Anaru's two friends are called Aki and Haruna.

It'll be well worth it, I promise. Our intuition is first rate when it comes to things like these! Anaru screamed back. 'Aki, I can't believe you just said that!' 'But I'm happy that you chose to call him by his name.' This was why he had avoided Anaru.
You're the only person I want. it's not wrong...' Anaru conceded. El la AƱora y Anaru lo sabe. Jintan began to frown. 'Of course I know that Menma wants me to move on! Both of them were inside the library, making a letter for Menma, as always. Whenever they passed in class, or in the hallway, he always had something to do, somewhere to go.

Don't tell me you two... NO, it can't be! 'But... it's not right... Jintan... it's just not right. 'But... somehow, I was happy to hear that. She confessed that ever since the karaoke incident, she started to fear being around them, and apologised if it may have come across as a rude gesture.To her surprise, they apologised to her in turn. Jintan snapped back. It had taken so much effort for them to start using their childhood names again. "You're so sweet, Yutsuro. "/ YukiatsuxAnaru.

Their names are mentioned in episode 3 at 5:17.Jintan came to school again. Anaru let out an empty laugh. Though shocked, every child in the secret base waits for an answer, curiousness (and some horror) overtaking them."S.."

''How many times do I have to tell you that you're in no position to say something like that!' Instead, she merely nodded her head slowly, wordlessly.It should have made Jintan feel relieved. "Tsuruko just smiles gently, not moving from her spot.Jintan suddenly rises up from his seat with a red face, obviously embarrased, and runs out the base.He shouts his answer once again, then runs from the secret base as quickly as he can. No, I HATE it! Barely two hours after the declaration of love, and they're already together!''Um...' To do... this and that... with a ghost...''Of course we didn't do anything like that!'
The author would like to thank you for your continued support. Anaru retaliated. Where's Jinta? 'Then, he turned to look back at her, and for a moment, they locked eyes.