After at least a week in which there has been a blizzard of speculation on social media, and next to nothing firm from the Eritrean government, it’s time to try to put together a picture of what appears to be taking place.


1 synonym for Isaiah: Book of Isaiah. General Tekle could not provide military guards for a civilian, so he arranged for Fikre’s transport to Wi’a Military Camp under his command. All this Eritreans they support the regim are in a very comfortable country they are saying all this shit. The underground movement’s sources have established that Isaias did indeed suffer what they think was a minor stroke… Synonyms for Isaias in Free Thesaurus. )prison, speculation from many observers that General Filipos is next, and reports that numerous colonels have fled or are in prison, the military leadership is clearly shaken and the impact on morale of the military is unknown at this point.

But at long last, Isaias shot a four-minute clip from Adi Halo and aired it on the television station owned by the ruling party, that monopolizes all media, including the Tigrinya, English, Tigrayit, and Arabic prints. “Arbi Harnet (Freedom Friday) sources have confirmed, this afternoon, that Issias Afwerki, is alive and it is ‘business as usual’ in Eritrea. …

Isaias Afwerki is the first president of Eritrea, a position he assumed after he led the Eritrean War of Independence in 1993. “In his report, the doctor said it was heat stroke. Related: Ghana’s Angela Kyerematen-Jimoh Becomes First … 11. He should live at least until he cripples Woyane for good and recompenses Ethiopia for all the destruction he caused in his lifetime.

Isaias synonyms, Isaias pronunciation, Isaias translation, English dictionary definition of Isaias. This information is corroborated by another source, which says President Isaias was seen at his favourite dam. And if this may be the case, how could the confidentiality between a doctor and patient, particularly at this rank, make such sensitive info accessible to individuals?So many political prisoners! stroke. There are numerous reports of security forces on the streets, which are all but deserted.Permission is required even to go to buy necessities. The martyred Fighter Saleh Meki is survived by his wife and 4 children. This is a ‘best guess’ – arrived at after having spoken to several sources. “One day, he was building partitions in the residences for the foreign workers, and he just collapsed,” he said.

End Note. For a start, it’s clear that life is far from normal. (Note: Wi’a is located in the Southern Red Sea region of Eritrea. Chief of state and Head of government: President Isaias Afwerki ... 5 April – DJ Miller, 29, Rwandan DJ and musician, stroke. Again, this could be because of Covid 19 and the closure of Asmara airport for two weeks (which the Foreign and Commonwealth Office mentioned) or it could be for other reasons.Residents of Asmara speak of two aircraft landing nightly. Fikre reportedly began to fear for his life and asked for protection from his military ally, Air Force Commander and Ghebreselassie.

I am so disappointed for been called Eritrea with such people.You are talking about a region of coexistance between the two religions. 7 April – Xudeydi, 91, Somali oud player, COVID-19. End Note.) Dahlan and Isaias imitating David Copperfield. Prime Minister Abiy’s critics and detractors, namely TPLF extremists in Tigray, condemned his policy of reconciliation and outreach to Eritrea’s President Isaias but the population at large in both countries has received news of the end of the 20-year conflict with elation. Antonyms for Isaias. Tensions arose given the fierce competition among the few Eritrean businessmen who receive government contracts) contracts that are primarily awarded to friends of high-ranking government officials (namely the military) who then skim a portion of the profits for themselves. There has been endless speculation about the health of President Isaias Afwerki, with reports that he is in Saudi Arabia for treatment, that he has had a stroke and even that he is dead. Again, there is a suspicion that this is not just because of the virus.There has been endless speculation about the health of President Isaias Afwerki, with reports that he is in Saudi Arabia for treatment, that he has had a stroke and even that he is dead.

The funeral service of the late Minister Saleh was conducted today, the 6th of October, at the Patriots Cemetery in Asmara in the presence of President Isaias Afwerki, Ministers, PFDJ heads, Army commanders and comrades, as well as thousands of citizens, including members of … n. See Table at Bible.