While living together in New Haven, Connecticut, Jones beheld a vision. Henry Jones was the posthumous son of Henry Jones I and his wife Winnie (Elder) Jones.

They board a biplane and are pursued by two Nazi fighter planes in the air. On the trip Henry was bothered by the height and was sitting completely still. Indy tries to hold her but she lets go and falls to her death.

They leave and watch the place crumble. They have Brody in a tank and the trio try to rescue them. Jones had a difficult relationship with his son which worsened following the untimely death of Anna in Over the years following the Grail crusade, Henry Sr. occassionally accompanied Indiana on other adventures which included a pursuit of the When he'd returned to America, Jones saw the first "fruit" of the "seeds" he planted; he received a letter from Brody on November 14 which held the promising news that an abbey in The Joneses arrived in Ouezzane as guests in Harris' home. Jones refused but when he learned about his father's disappearance, he went to his house to find him. Professor Henry Walton Jones, Sr. is a fictional character in the Indiana Jones franchise. They were dropped off still far away from the monastery looking completely disheveled. Another dinner ended up in fight, as they disagreed about the recent Henry flat out refused to engage in conversation about whether he was angry with Junior for joining the war but their arguments escalated to the point where Indiana accused Henry of having never cared about him or his mother, and that the only moment he felt he had a father was during their time in Athens and the hanging monastery.After that night, Henry was met in his study by Indiana who expressed his regret at the pair not having talked more. He moved from North Carolina to Georgia where he lived near Milledgeville. They were greeted by the monks and told that the following day the monks would be cloistered and would keep a vow of silence for the following two days. When they escape the Nazis, Indy wants to meet up with Marcus (unaware that he was captured already) while Henry wants to go to Berlin and get the diary back. Donovan drinks from a false Grail and dies but Indy finds the true Grail and gets Henry to drink from its healing power.

Professor Henry Walton Jones Sr. is the father of Indiana Jones. Henry Jones was born in Philadelphia, PA on August 1, 1912.Actor who appeared in the CBS sitcom Phyllis and in both the Broadway and Hollywood versions of The Bad Seed. They broke off pieces of wood and rope and made individual ladder rungs that could be fastened to the rope above and then unfastened once they had climbed above each rung. He acted alongside Jeff Daniels in the 1990 film Arachnophobia.

Henry holds on barely and somehow, spiritually guides Indy through the traps. Prior to being elected president, he served three years as vice president of the board. They started a small fire using pieces of wood from the cage, however the cage itself caught on fire. They soon realized that the driver was not the same and they were kicked out of the cab. He has appeared as a LEGO minifigure in two LEGO Indiana Jones sets: in 7198 Fighter Plane Attack and in 7620 Motorcycle Chase. He explained Plato and Aristotle's system of government. He and Marcus Brody travel to Venice to meet Dr. Schneider and locate the tomb. After being criticized and called Junior for the umpteenth time, an enraged Indy mows down all three soldiers with a machine gun, much to Henry's horror, and then goes to find Schneider. They began trekking to the monastery on foot. The floor cracks open and Elsa falls through.

After a brief dogfight, Henry accidentally shoots their plane's tail to pieces, prompting Indy to make an emergency landing.

Henry tells him that that is his name, and tells him that they named the dog Indiana. The character was portrayed by Sean Connery in the 1989 film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. The Jones' duo are accompanied by Henry was never close to his son as he spent his whole life trying to learn the secrets of the Grail and perhaps, find it one day. The two quickly bonded and the dog was a friend and companion throughout the earliest decades of Jones' life.… Henry tried to continue lecturing over the sounds of the chickens in the buggy and another rider's wind flute.

Henry Burk Jones (August 1, 1912 – May 17, 1999) was an American actor of stage, film and television. Throughout the whole battle, Henry blew up a truck full of soldiers with the tank's machine gun as well as unintentionally killing several in the tank. Indiana Jones was born Henry Walton Jones Jr. to a Scottish-born professor of medieval studies, Henry Jones, and his wife Anna on July 1, 1899, in Princeton, New Jersey. The three began getting confused about what they were arguing about since Henry was constantly talking about what Aristotle and Plato said and the driver kept thinking he was talking about him and his donkey. Indy was shocked, however, Henry explained that the English word "idiot" comes from a Greek word meaning "one who is not interested in politics." Before they left, Henry sees the Grail Knight as he waves goodbye to them. Indiana agreed to partake in finding the Grail as well as find his father. Determined to see the minister's severed head on display for displeasing the sultan, as heard by Harris, Junior snuck out his Latin studies the moment his parents and teacher departed, and left the house with Omar. The tank falls off a cliff and Henry, Sallah and Brody believe that Indy was dead. They steal a car as the Nazis continue chasing them. It transformed into the Holy Grail and a disembodied voice informed him that he would seek the treasure like the knights of old.