“We’re still very active in that market and delighted to be so,” Gillespie says. We hold: NASA, Plasma Ruggedized Solutions is constantly expanding our capabilities for heat resistant coatings and cold resistant coatings. The company created light, feathery insulation consisting of many layers that reflect both the sun’s heat back into space and the interior warmth back into the spacecraft, maintaining a constant interior temperature.In addition to radiation, terrestrial insulation systems also have to contend with convection and conduction. Heat resistant and cold resistant coatings withstand temperatures ranging from 816°C/1500°F to -110°C/-166°F and protect sensitive components from chemicals and corrosion. In spacecraft construction, even components like tape can require cutting-edge technology.During the mid-1990s, engineers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) were tailoring an outfit for the Cassini space probe—which has now been exploring Saturn and its moons for more than 11 years—that would shield it from the extreme temperature fluctuations and other harsh conditions of interplanetary travel.There was a lot at stake. Plastic bearing materials have an upper temperature limit that is a function of their softening behavior.
Based on NASA’s needs, the company came up with a line of specialized tapes, including the one used on Cassini, a laminate of carbon-filled Kapton polyimide backed by a tight-woven scrim. A probe visiting Jupiter, for example, would require a conductive surface to ward off electrical jolts from the Jovian charged-particle belts.While the company is far from the only provider of such materials for NASA missions, Duran says JPL ends up procuring about 75 percent of its thermal films, for example, from Dunmore. Our Parylene coating materials, for example, are effective in both high and low temperature applications. In a multi-layer system, reflective materials deflect heat just as they do in space, while the multiple layers of material trap air, which is a poor heat conductor and thus slows convective and conductive heat transfer.

Protecting Electronic Components with Resistant Coatings for Extreme Temperatures. “It involved a great deal of trial and error and ultimately produced a highly efficient family of products.”In the vacuum of space, the primary mode of heat transfer is radiation, so the thermal protection system must be highly reflective to manage dramatic temperature changes, allowing optimal performance of the spacecraft and its instruments, he explains. Caster wheels made of these materials will give you a consistent performance as they are extremely durable and resistant to temperature extremes. We are always looking to offer a new, higher level of protection for components and assemblies, to better serve the unique needs of our customers. “It’s very exciting these days.”Duran says Dunmore’s willingness to collaborate with clients like NASA to develop new products has made it the biggest player in its field. Heat resistant coatings must not only withstand the high temperatures to which they’re exposed but also help prevent oxidation, which can occur rapidly in these environments.Military equipment is exposed to extreme temperatures and wear that can affect the performance of computers used to monitor missiles, aircraft, land vehicles, radios, radars, and other combat equipment. “They’re in tune with their customers’ needs and will produce products, working with us, that aren’t in their catalog,” Duran says.Later, when JPL faced the tricky task of coating a Teflon blanket that would allow its CloudSat Earth-observing satellite to dump heat from high-powered electronics while warding off warmth from the sun, Duran and his team again turned to Dunmore.
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We offer custom cold and heat resistant coatings that meet MIL-Spec requirements and protect electronic components from damage.Plasma Ruggedized Solutions has a variety of heat-resistant and cold-resistant coatings available, each of which offers unique features and advantages.

“That was a direct spinoff, from a technical standpoint, of the knowledge we brought from our NASA work.”Another popular use for Dunmore’s insulations is in transportation of cryogenic materials—substances like hydrogen, oxygen, or natural gas, that are super-cooled into liquid form. Steel is very strong, except that in cold temperatures it becomes brittle; new method of making steel withstand cold temperatures could make steel structures in Arctic areas, like ships or oil rigs, cheaper to construct Like a Thermos, the tanks that carry these substances employ a vacuum envelope that nearly prevents convective heat transfer, but, just as in space, radiant heat can still penetrate.Enter 20–40 layers of lightweight, metalized, reflective polyester.