What was the problem with this strategy?DDT is now known to be toxic to both humans and other animals. Maintaining good health involves eating right, exercising, vaccinations against diseases, and visiting your doctor regularly. It is used in many plastics and as a liner in some metal cans.Complete the sentence: "Any synthetic or natural chemical has the potential to cause harm ifWhat is more likely to persist and accumulate in the body: water-soluble or oil-soluble toxins?If a persistent toxin bioaccumulates through a food chain, what trophic level is it most likely to affect?Caffeine has an LD50 level of 192mg/kg.
Overuse of antibiotics in animals.Explain the difference between teratogens and carcinogens. Nicotine is 50mg/kg. Examples include personal experience with a risk, biased media coverage, and a misunderstanding of statistics.Why is mercury in seafood considered an acceptable risk by most people?Although the risk of exposure is high, the severity is very low, since most people don't eat enough seafood to allow the mercury levels in their bodies to accumulate to toxic levels. Health studies investigate the human health effects of exposure to environmental hazards ranging from chemical pollutants to natural, technologic or terrorist disasters. The word 'health' brings many things to mind. EFFECTS:... - Endocrine d…Sources:... > burning of municipal waste... > breakdown of chlorin…Used in electrical equipment, pesticides, adhesives, etc.... U.S…A pesticide used during WWII... Used in agriculture & the privat…comprises those aspects of human health, including qualityof l…Any external factor that negatively affects... your health can be…unsafe water, inadequate sanitation and hygiene, and indoor sm…including exposure to urban, industrial and... agrochemical pollu…comprises those aspects of human health, including qualityof l…Any external factor that negatively affects... your health can be…A mineral found in long fibers which can be made into paper, c…A colorless, odorless gas that is radioactive. Environmental health is the branch of public health concerned with all aspects of the natural and built environment affecting human health. In reality, they did not address the actual cause of the disease.Give an example of a disease caused by each of the following infectious agents:Why are AIDS, SARS, and the H1N1 Swine Flu all considered emergent diseases? Tobacco smoke is an example.What two heavy metals were given as examples of neurotoxins?Endocrine hormone disruptors are classified as hormone mimics or hormone blockers. Choose from 500 different sets of science health environmental hazards flashcards on Quizlet.

Psychosocial... 3. The study guide is divided into two sections: vocabulary and short answer questions. Can cause cancercomprises those aspects of human health, including quality of…Any external factor that negatively affects your health.- land and climate related hazard... - atmospheric hazard... - water…-Floods... -Storms... -Hurricanes... -Volcanic Activity... -Earthquake... -So…comprises those aspects of human health, including quality of…Any external factor that negatively affects your health.Environmental Science Environmental Hazards and Human HealthOne that was not previously known or existed but has re-emerge…Chapter 17 APES (Environmental Hazards & Human Health)according to the EPA, "the presence of a substance in the envi…not able to be consumed or broken down by biological organisms…the combo of all things and factors external to the individual…according to the EPA, "the presence of a substance in the envi…the process of compounds accumulating in body tissue and being…compounds which cause or promote cancer in humans or animalsAPES Environmental Hazards and Human Health VocabularyGroup of more than 120 different diseases, one for each type o…Chemicals, ionizing radiation, and viruses that cause or promo…The amount of a potentially harmful substance an individual in…Plot of data showing effects of various doses of a toxic agent…Group of more than 120 different diseases, one for each type o…Chemicals, ionizing radiation, and viruses that cause or promo…
Because of that, there was no inherent immunity built up in the population, nor was there effective treatment.During the 1940s through the 1960s, malaria was controlled partially by spraying large doses of pesticides such as DDT. The environment in which we live can be considered as having three fundamental sets of components, physical, chemical, biological. Environmental health The lower the LD50, the less dose is required to cause the same mortality.Give one reason why someone might be biased in their risk assessment of a specific toxin.There are multiple reasons. Give an example of each.Teratogens cause mutations in unborn fetuses, resulting in birth defects. Specifically, the process of biomagnification was causing it to become concentrated at higher trophic levels.Bacteria are able to evolve unusually quickly and develop resistance to drugs like antibiotics. This was replaced by the Germ Theory of disease.Why were bloodletting and the water cure ineffective treatments most of the time?These treatments were based on the idea that the four "humors" of the human body were out of balance. water).The property of a substance to not degrade or break down easily over time.The increasing concentration of a substance up a food chain.The likeliness that exposure to a substance will cause death.A determination of the likeliness of a specific hazard affecting the health of an average person in a population.Explain the miasma theory of disease. Psychosocial... 3.

Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Which one is more deadly?Nicotine. Each originated in another animal, mutated, and crossed the species line. Learn science health environmental hazards with free interactive flashcards.