While you might think this makes them very sheep-like loyal to the master, they will show you quite differently. They are the best! Without boundaries there isn’t a space for self-determination, there is only unlimited non-defined space. This 6 is very supportive. Intro A few weeks ago, I got great feedback on[...] Christian, stay-at-home dad, author, blogger, poet, and lay-theologian, Stick around for some fun dad stories and trying to answer the question, 'Why (not)?' We discipline so that he can have the opportunity for good relationships.
Listening to a Type 6 think through their fears is part of who we are. Average Threes are highly aware of what others think about them, whereas average Fives care little about anyone else's good opinion. They become depressed when they realize that in their search for self, they have gone down a blind alley and now must pay the price. The original tritype descriptions for type 6 by the Fauvres'.

Even other Type 5’s will redirect the conversation with a question of their own.

This misidentification is made almost exclusively by Threes since Fives are not likely to think that they are Threes. In any case, average Fives will stay with a project for years until they exhaust their subject or themselves, or both.Threes, by contrast, are not usually involved in subjects for their own sake: they change their interests and careers rapidly if the success and recognition they seek elude them.

The difference lies in the motivations for these traits. It is far more common for Sixes to mistype as Fives, but for some easily understood reasons. That means extra busy-ness, increased forcefulness, and a stubbornness to new approaches. While type 6s generally prefer to build support networks through alliances with others, type 5s are extremely self-reliant. But these traits alone are not sufficient to be a Five. Whereas Enneagram Type 5’s seek freedom from fear through knowledge, Type 6’s do it through loyalty to another person or idea. Fives feel that they can only trust their own minds to come to conclusions–they believe that everyone else is likely to be less well-informed. This 6 needs to be caring and protective to feel secure. Understanding the importance of respect is a hard concept for a toddler, so we work with him The reason is it strikes to the core of why we discipline. In many respects, the Enneagram 5 is well viewed as a sort of INTJ-INTP hybrid. Fours are less apt to use political or communal experiences as the subject matter for their work, choosing instead the movements of their own souls, their personal revelations, the darkness and light they discover in themselves as they become immersed in the creative process. Though when they wing 7, they are pretty great too. It creates a bond that heals us.While the questions that an Enneagram Type 6 are often the best, they can also take it too far. Usually, they want to know more because it can help them combat fear, and what I know gives them security, and a continued conversation gives them presence. Finally, I want to wrap up by helping you to imagine your relationships in your life. Creating their own private inner realities can be reward enough. For my experience, I imagine great friendships that break down walls and barriers between all sorts of people. Welcome to the sixth long post in my Enneagram Series: Type 5 vs The Enneagram. Whereas Enneagram Type 5’s seek freedom from fear through knowledge, Type 6’s do it through loyalty to another person or idea. Average Threes tend to promote themselves and to talk about their brilliant achievements, whereas average Fives tend to be secretive and reticent about their work and discoveries. As Enneagram Type 5’s fight fear with knowledge we bring that security to a Type 6. It isn’t that we (my wife and I) aren’t disciplining or enforcing a boundary, but respect pours out of emotions a lot of times and emotions are a lot harder to control than not touching the hot stove. The essential consideration is that their intellectual work is frequently undertaken to achieve goals and garner recognition rather than for the love of knowledge and the excitement of intellectual discovery. Some Threes may well be thinkers and have original ideas; they may excel academically and be brilliant students. They may be ahead of their time not because they are trying to be rebellious or avant-garde, but because they develop their own forms to express their personal point of view. Despite their similarities, the main point of confusion for Nines arises around the notion of "thinking." All of which will wear a Type 5 out.

I'm an ENTP so maybe it's my Ne tendencies but I don't really relate to the type 5 being so withdrawn as my normal state. The kind of thinking they engage in is very different: Fives are very process-oriented: they do not care about final goals and can be extraordinarily involved in abstract ideas for the sake of acquiring knowledge, virtually as an end in itself. 9/10 when he hits a pre-set boundary he walks away happy and ready to play after remorse and explanation of what went wrong and why it did. We know. This is not the case with Fours whose depression is endogenous (coming from the inside), a response to their self-accusations.Second, we have characterized the Four as The Individualist , and some Sixes who are artistic think that they therefore must be Fours.