They may advise you of other simple ways to test if it is amniotic fluid.

Robin Elise Weiss, PhD, MPH is a professor, author, childbirth and postpartum educator, certified doula, and lactation counselor. It was just a leak, and I didn’t realize that’s what had happened. Part time labor nurse, part time mom and blogger to millions of overwhelmed moms who look to her to make each day simpler, more organized and more fun. Honestly, most people feel a small trickle that just continues, however most women have a different “story”It is a varied feeling among women — but let’s talk more about how to know that’s IT!Some women say it feels like a pop and then a gush of fluid.Some women feel like it’s just like they’re peeing, but they can’t stop it.It isn’t painful, unless it is accompanied by contractions.I JUST had this the other day. Love your TMI posts, ’cause I’m a nurse, and a mom, and that’s just me… The ONLY time my water has broken was with #4, and then I still wasn’t having contractions 8 hours later, so I had to have pitocin. They may also ask that you come into the office or the hospital so they can perform a test on the fluid. Thought it was a bladder problem at first and was very confused about what to do. (with a NICU)I always suggest getting it checked if you’re not sure. Coughing, or going from sitting to standing should elicit another gush.AS I said above — when your water breaks, it is super watery. It’s mostly baby pee… as long as you don’t get an infection you’re good to go. Went into the hospital, took the paper test and sure enough, had a leak. Do not use a tampon or put anything else in your vagina, as this can increase the risk of infection if you water was broken. A water break test is an old and fairly crude testing method to determine the cleanliness of a surface. It was just a very small amount but kept coming. I’m going to give you a Is my Water Broken Quiz? What color is it? Typically, after your water breaks at term, labor soon follows if it hasn't already begun. Panic won't help if you think your water has broken. One simply involves a vaginal exam. If you're pregnant, you might be curious about your water breaking when it will happen, what it will feel like and what to do next. When amniotic fluid is dry the pattern it makes on the microscope slide looks like a fern plant and is therefore called ferning. So I have no idea as to what your water breaking is actually like even though I’ve obviously had it happen.Wait, so you had positive tests? If the pad is wet, you still might not have broken your bag of water. When your water breaks, you may notice a popping sensation and either a gush or a trickle as some of the amniotic fluid leaks out through your vagina (it may even run down your leg). She will also perform testing on the fluid. Your doctor or midwife will use one of two common tests to see if the fluid leaking is your water or not. Take a minute to take a deep breath or two and collect your thoughts. Did the baby just kick my bladder or did my bag of water break? Amniotic fluid is alkaline in nature; by placing the fluid on nitrazine paper, your doctor can evaluate the pH of the fluid. If you do think your water broke, you need to note a few important things (even if it turns out that your water did not break after all). Medically reviewed by Brian Levine, MD, MS, FACOG Contractions would be the only sign that it MAY break soon. Not much notice though.Nope. It indicates if the material under test has any hydrophobic (water fearing) residue such as oil or any oil-based coatings or paints. A dry pad means that your water is most likely not broken. Urine can be many colors, but it is usually colored. By using Verywell Family, you accept our If the fluid is amniotic fluid, it will pool or gather in the vagina while you lie down. Ended up in big hospital, stopped labor from happening with Magnesium Sulfate (which was in its trial phase and they didn’t know it worked yet) and induced 2 weeks later when risk of infection staying in outweighed risk of preterm delivery.