Extreme stretching of the skin, as occurs in obesity and pregnancy, can tear the collagen in the dermis. Health-Cares.net, 2007, webpage: The dermis, the second major region of the skin, is a strong, flexible connective tissue.

About 70% of all human protein-coding genes are expressed in the skin.The dermis is structurally divided into two areas: a superficial area adjacent to the epidermis, called the In the palms, fingers, soles, and toes, the influence of the papillae projecting into the epidermis forms contours in the skin's surface.

In short, it delivers strength and elasticity to the skin. For example, the dermis on the eyelids is 0.6 millimeters thick; on the back, the palms of hands and the soles of feet, it measures 3 millimeters thick.1 The dermis contains a lot of the body's water supply and it has important roles in both regulating temperature and providing blood to the epidermis.

It provides a barrier between your body’s essential organs, muscles, tissues, and skeletal system and the outside world.
Magnified 350 times.James, William; Berger, Timothy; Elston, Dirk (2005). Tactile epithelial cells and their associated tactile discs detect touch sensations.Several distinct layers of keratinocytes in various stages of development form the epidermis. The main functions of the dermis are to regulate temperature and to …

This is called thin skin. It also provides a cushion that works like a shock absorber surrounding your vital organs.There are plenty of blood vessels contained in the hypodermis.
The dermis has two parts: a thin, upper layer known as the papillary dermis, and a thick, lower layer known as the reticular dermis. Reticular fibers 4.

The reticular layer is named for its networks of collagen fibers (reticulum = network); the name does not imply any special abundance of reticular fibers.

Elastic fibers 3. …

Dermis definition, the dense inner layer of skin beneath the epidermis, composed of connective tissue, blood and lymph vessels, sweat glands, hair follicles, and an elaborate sensory nerve network.

The epidermis is thicker than you might expect and has five sublayers.Your epidermis is constantly shedding dead skin cells from the top layer and replacing them with new healthy cells that grow in lower layers. This barrier protects you from bacteria, changing temperatures, and chemical exposure.Your skin also feels sensation, communicating with your brain what is going on around you. Because sweat pores open along the crests of the friction ridges, they leave distinct fingerprints on almost anything they touch. The dermis is the second layer of skin which present underneath the Epidermis and overhead the Subcutaneous layer.

Structural components of the dermis are col…

There are three main layers of the skin. In many experiments, gold nanoparticles 40 nm in diameter or smaller are used and have shown to penetrate to the epidermis. The reticular region is usually much thicker than the overlying papillary dermis.

Although their melanin granules effectively protect keratinocytes, melanocytes themselves are particularly susceptible to damage by UV light.Intraepidermal macrophages or Langerhans cells (Dendritic cells) arise from red bone marrow and migrate to the epidermis, where they constitute a small fraction of the epidermal cells.

Its thickness varies depending on the location of the skin.

Areas that are far from the tropics and closer to the poles have lower concentration of UVR, which is reflected in lighter-skinned populations.In the same population it has been observed that adult human As skin ages, it becomes thinner and more easily damaged. CollagenThe reticular dermis is the deeper and thicker layer of the dermis, which lies above the subcutaneous layer of the skin. These vessels are so extensive that they can hold 5% of all blood in the body. Extreme stretching of the skin, as occurs in obesity and pregnancy, can tear the collagen in the dermis. Additionally, the increase in surface area prevents the dermal and epidermal layers from separating from each other by strengthening the junction between them.

Separations or less dense regions between the collagen bundles form the cleavage lines or tension lines of the skin.These invisible lines occur over the entire body: They run longitudinally in the skin of the limbs and head and in circular patterns around the neck and trunk. The difference is due mainly to variation in thickness of the dermis, although skin is classified as thick or thin based on the relative thickness of the epidermis alone.The skin consists of two main parts, the most superficial part of the skin is the epidermis. Blood capillaries are found beneath the epidermis and are linked to an arteriole and a venule. When internal organs need more blood or more heat, nerves stimulate the dermal vessels to constrict, shunting more blood into the general circulation and making it available to the internal organs.