And God does not like it at all. I’ve developed “ears to hear” the sermons, inviting the swift slice of conviction to penetrate my heart. Nearly every Sunday I refreshed the list with the latest irritations and recited it to friends and family. (the danger of complaining) my brothers and sisters.

Jesus is preparing a place for me (John 14:2). Most likely… It’s His way of nudging me back to my first love — and keeping me there. Had I kept my eyes on Jesus, I would have seen Him setting His face toward Jerusalem, the very place of His suffering (Luke 9:51). Complaining had turned my eyes away from Jesus to people and peeves. Complaining isn’t harmless sport; it’s serious sin. God has expanded my gifts in music ministry and taught me the meaning of genuine worship.When I put my mind to it, much about the church is excellent and praiseworthy. I gathered this from two well-known verses:Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God (Philippians 4:6).Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you (1 Peter 5:7).Though Paul and Peter specify anxiety here, the same principle applies to complaints. Complaining isn’t harmless sport; it’s serious sin. CBN's ministry is made possible by the support of our CBN Partners.I have committed many scripture verses to memory. In keeping my eyes on Jesus instead of grumbling, I’ll be preparing for my first love while He’s preparing for me.Am I completely cured of chronic complaining about the church? these members of the wilderness missionary church where rev dr moses is. I would have watched His determined march to that city leading to Gethsemane and an agonizing prayer of surrender to God (Matthew 26:39).This was not an easy prayer for me, and it didn’t come instantly. Staff members have acted on some concerns I’ve prayed about. I had a running list: repetitious music, annoying brethren — even the revival itself. People complain as a defense mechanism to validate why things aren’t going right in their life. © 2020 The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., A nonprofit 501 (c)(3) Charitable Organization. The more I do this, the more I regard complaining not as a right but as a weight I must strip off in order to reach the finish line (Hebrews 12:1).That finish line might not be too far away. This church is where grace and mercy became realities in my heart. We are here to help and encourage you! On Mondays, when I couldn’t remember much good about the worship time on Sunday, I had to admit that I’d become a pro at complaining. While God frowned on my spreading a bad report among fellow believers, He urged me to vent my frustrations to Him.

Thirdly, complaining overwhelms your spirit.

Jovial February 9, 2017. Paul says whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy about the church, I’m to think on these things (v. 8).I wonder how conversations with others would improve if I spent more time dwelling on what the church has done right. It's easy to complain. I wish. Discover God's peace now. Older saints in this congregation model a lifestyle of prayer and perseverance under trial. Comparison & Self-Pity (Numbers 11:1-3) A. Yet recently an evangelist parked on it during a church revival meeting.The evangelist wasn’t addressing opinions but complaints about the church — from people like me. His is a throne of grace where I receive mercy (v. 16).Sometimes I ask trusted Christians to pray with me. The Dangers of Murmuring and Complaining Pastor E. Keith Hassell Key Verse: James 4:1-12 Complaints arise from the fleshly nature of our heart. Thanks to their example, my prayers and trust in God have deepened during personal crises.My craving for the Word began in this church. Send a prayer request now, or call 1‑800‑700‑7000 the nation of israel has committed a great harm. But absent in the climate of complaints were commitment and surrender — the go-anywhere, do-anything heartbeat that defines the depth of love for Christ. We likely don't realize how much we do it. they have trangressed against the lord god almighty. The men who spied out Canaan had returned to Israel’s camp and reported that the Promised Land had giants. Like anxiety, their erosion is too great and their weight too heavy; I must share them with God.As I do this, Jesus comes alongside me as High Priest, not criticizing but sympathizing with my weakness (Hebrews 4:15).

Complaining had also affected my love for Jesus. 0 Comments . I realized this while chewing on the evangelist’s link between complaining and Revelation 2:4: “You have forsaken your first love.”Had I? God made it possible for you to know. The Holy Spirit is adding it to my memory by sheer repetition.

Or when others confide in me about their frustrations at church, I intercede for them.Since I’ve been doing this, my thoughts have changed:Such thoughts are part of God’s peace guarding my mind and heart as I entrust my complaints to Him (Philippians 4:7).Dwell on the positives. And I’m learning that often my complaints are opinions, not absolutes worth fighting for.Nowadays when my spirit rebels over something I don’t like at church, Philippians 2:14 drifts into my thoughts and quiets the agitation.

Constantly repeating a church’s flaws isn’t a healthy pastime.