We rebranded NYC & Company, the official marketing and tourism agency for New York City. Case Studies. Burleson, Texas A place brand system that gives the City a cohesive identity and empowers residents with the tools to share their civic pride. How to enhance the appeal of a city centre as a place for shopping, recreation and business development?

Neither were accurate.There was confusion around what the organisation does, no public recognition or credit for its remit, no coherent tone of voice, no visible brand message or reason for being. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Creative Inc were therefore employed to advise and tackle this brand problem.Working with the senior executive in Dublin City BID we identified the name Dublin City BID as one major issue since it was perceived to be either some part of Dublin City Council or some sort of bid which the city was involved in. The brand has become very visible throughout the city centre and most importantly, it has helped to strengthen the benefit of membership for all the businesses who support Dublin Town.Stay up to date on latest place brand insights, strategies, stories and examples: At The Place Brand Observer (TPBO) we are passionate about the identity, Stay up to date on latest place brand insights, strategies, stories and examples: on Chile Reaching for the Stars: Astrotourism as Destination Branding Opportunity on City Branding Case Study: The Story of Edmonton, Canada on Anna Gissler on How Stockholm Business Region Leads in Talent AttractionThe Good Country Equation by Simon Anholt: Why You Should Read This BookClimate Emergency: Why Place Branding Must Respond (And How It Can)Dubai City Attractiveness, Its Brand Strength and ReputationThis website uses cookies to improve your experience. The city brand included every element of the organization: brand identity, brand positioning, brochure design, icons and photography, and its flagship website nycgo.com. (The redesigned NYCGO won the Webby for Best Travel Website).

Should there be one brand Dublin Town into which we build a bigger proposition than merely a website promoting Dublin, its businesses and activities?Could we strengthen the visual links between the organisation, the Dublin Town website and the events to bring a more cohesive visual structure to the brand? Better Dublin? And we’ll get you close to leading city branders out there, so you can learn from their mistakes and experience!

Because neither citizens nor consumers knew that Dublin City BID … In addition to our popular post, 5 city branding case studies and examples to learn from, the purpose of this page is to make it easier for you to access best city branding practices and strategies, examples and latest research insights. London Bridge is an intriguing case study … In doing so, will this aid the organisation in gaining recognition for what it does and ultimately, will this brand awareness help entice the consumer into choosing Dublin City over other retail and night time destinations?In the search for clarity and strength of message, it was apparent that a more unified brand structure made sense, where the core (the organisation) was more aligned to its sub-brands and activities. How to enhance the appeal of a city centre as a place for shopping, recreation... Project Background.

learn more. City Branding Case Study: How Branding Strategy Helped Improve Downtown Dublin We are Dublin - Branding the City Centre.

This aligned the full organisation into one streamlined identity which is easy to implement and is very visible on the streets of Dublin city centre.The rebrand has had a hugely positive affect on the organisation, raising its profile and ensuring that all its activities are connected back to Dublin Town and the people behind it.