In the majority of cases, your pet will be absolutely fine; the sting will likely cause them irritation but shouldn’t be serious. I don't want to waste my money and take him to a vet if its nothing, so I want others ideas on what to do. Check your moggie when she comes home, especially around her neck and head, and follow these handy tips on grooming to prevent pests from taking hold. Insects resent the intrusion of nosy cats, so they sting the closest body part, making eyes, ears, and feet easy targets. However, there are cases where bee and wasp stings can be more severe. Want to be prepared for the next time !A normal reaction is a swelling and nothing to be too worried about.If it becomes very bad very quickly or she starts acting strangely take her to the vet as she may have developed an anaphylactic reaction. Follow our expert tips to lessen the sting – or itch!It is your cat’s natural instinct to stalk small, fast-moving creatures, but with the abundance of buzzing insects out in the warmer months – especially bees and wasps – this can be a hazard.
To stop insects from breeding around your home, remove or cover all sources of stagnant water (such as ponds or pools) and consider keeping your cat indoors around dusk and in the evening when mosquitoes are most active.Use citronella-scented candles in the garden to repel mosquitoes and horseflies. Approach your cat with care and gentleness so as not to scare her. He got stung in his paw... Paw is pretty swollen. She still chases flies so I'm sure she will do the same to another wasp and get stung again. In many cases, a single sting will cause signs such as swelling, pain, redness and itching at the site. She was eating and playing as normal. To prevent a flea infestation in the first place, make sure your cat’s flea treatments are kept up to date and, during hotter months, wash her bedding at least once a week on a high-temperature setting. If you see anything like the tongue turning blue, welts on body, rapid breathing or heart rate or any signs of severe allergic reaction, do nothing but get your cat straight to the vet. Multiple wasp stings and stings in the mouth . Your vet will need to determine the exact dosage and will know what type of drug will work best for your cat.Tick bites usually occur in long grass, heathland and woods, so cats that like to roam are most vulnerable. ha ha ah... cute cat i'm sure. I didnt take her to the vet as it was the weekend and the vet was closed and she was fine the next day. Remember, you should never give your pet any human medications, no matter how similar the pet versions may seem.

Stings to the mouth and throat are potentially the most dangerous because any swelling could make it difficult for your cat to breathe, while multiple stings anywhere on your cat’s body could be life-threatening. Remove the sting, do so by pulling it out with a pair of fine tweezers. I'm sure she's ok, but it may be a bit of a nuisance to her, having a swollen side of her face and itchiness may occur. I didnt take her to the vet as it was the weekend and the vet was closed and she was fine the next day. Best of luck!Please take her to the vets today, the toxins in the sting may have a bad reaction and will end up far worse. Signs include pain, swelling, vomiting, fever, shock, breathing difficulties. Wasp stings in dogs and cats. If not, look for the sudden bee sting. - Animals have bad reactions to this kind of stuff.Cats cannot take anti-histamines the way that dogs can so there are no over the counter remedies. If you see anything like the tongue turning blue, welts on body, rapid breathing or heart rate or any signs of severe allergic reaction, do nothing but get your cat straight to the vet. While some vet-prescribed cortisol creams can help halt the itch, prevention is key. She passed out and began to foam at the mouth so we rushed her to the vet and he administered an injection to counteract the effects. If you don't have tweezers, use the edge of a butter knife or credit card. Anaphylaxis requires administration of epinephrine, which can reverse symptoms of a severe allergic reaction. You can use a little ice at the site of the bite to help with swelling. When a cat steps on an ant hill or disturbs a wasp nest or bee hive, the insects can swarm and sting the cat’s whole body! Since the cat isnt too bothered about it, i think it'll be just fine when the swelling subsides. However, it also increases her chances of coming into contact with a range of biting beasties.
Wasp stings are alkaline, so dab a spot of vinegar onto the affected area with a small wad of cotton wool instead.

Phone ahead to the surgery so your veterinarian can be on standby to treat.

He's acting pretty dopey (sleepy, tired, and kind of out of it). Try to steer clear of YouTube ‘how to’ videos, which often give conflicting – and sometimes inaccurate – advice on removing ticks safely.Your cat could get fleas from any other pets she comes into contact with, or even just by wandering in the same areas as flea-carrying animals such as rodents.

Dont apply anything as just like you said it wont get through and if she gets it in her it might cause other problems.However it would be good if you could try rubbing some table salt into the stung area. But I'm wondering if I should have rang the emergency vet. If your cat has gone into anaphylactic shock. If you can see a bee sting, don’t try to remove the stinger with tweezers or by squeezing it out – you could accidentally release more venom from the sac. The sting … Summertime means longer days and more time for your cat to explore, and laze about, outside. Mesh screens on doors and windows are also an excellent way to prevent pests from coming indoors.If any bite or sting is still red, swollen or causing pain after a few hours, or you notice any difference in the quality of your cat’s coat, it’s best to contact your vet. If you do find a tick, remove it as soon as you can by using a special tick hook (rather than tweezers) to prevent breaking off the head, or visit your vet.