© Stitcher 2019, all content is copyright of its owners. Author : Richard E. Dansky Let us know your recommendations for the best PseudoPod episodes on Facebook or Twitter and don’t forget to follow us by clicking on the link to the right. Play free podcast episodes on-demand with iHeartRadio. My favourite horror podcast is the Magnus Archives, which I can highly recommend giving a shot to see if it's your thing.

Frequency 10 episodes / quarter Podcast pseudopod… The Sound of Horror. Hardly had Leonard seated himself in his accustomed place in the grass, which, in truth, had become matted and pressed down under the repeated and weighty attentions of Leonard’s posterior before the heron, with great lanky strides, crossed the water to stand directly before him.

That had been small man’s fear, though, the fear of humiliation and of being yelled at, the fear of losing a job one hated but needed and the fear of being trapped in it forever. We deliver bone-chilling stories from today's most talented authors straight to ears. Host : Soren Narnia He had felt fear before, had felt it all day as a matter of fact.

We pay our author's professional rates for original fiction and we reach more people every week than any other short fiction horror market. Pseudopod is the world's first audio horror magazine. And thus it was that when his work day was done, Leonard would come to the lake, and watch the herons, and do nothing else because nothing else needed doing. Narrator : Kris Straub Listen to PseudoPod episodes free, on demand. Herons, even great blues, were not curious creatures. Related Articles.

“Although I have a younger sAuthors : Selena Chambers and Jesse Bullington Narrator : Alethea Kontis Host : Jordan Shiveley Audio Producer : Chelsea Davis Discuss on Forums “Dive In Me” first appeared in The New Gothic, edited bAuthor : Hal Ellson Narrator : Dave Robison Host : Alasdair Stuart Audio Producer : Chelsea Davis Discuss on Forums “Blackout” was originally published in Mantrap, October 1956 Dave Robison’s new domaAuthor : Mira Grant Narrator : Kitty Sarkozy Host : Alasdair Stuart Audio Producer : Chelsea Davis Discuss on Forums “You Can Stay All Day” was originally published in 2017 in Nights of the Living Dea The Sound of Horror. Discuss on Forums

The Mad Eyes of the Heron King Leonard had dismissed all such thoughts out of hand, of course. For free. Mike Denham. This is going to sound bad, but I've really struggled with Pseudopod.

They were placid, and they were predatory, and they soared above the still waters while giving their great calls of gronk, gronk, gronk that would not have sounded amiss in the epoch of the dinosaurs. On the fourth visit of that week, however, or perhaps it was the fifth, the great blue heron abruptly changed its course when Leonard settled in, squelchily, for his customary period of observation and contemplation. Each episode contains readings (often first-person for added spookiness and authenticity) of scary and unsettling horror stories. And thus it was that when his work day was done, Leonard would come to the lake, and watch the herons, and do nothing else because nothing else needed doing. Don't miss an episode of PseudoPod. That had been small man’s fear, though, the fear of humiliation and of being yelled at, the fear of losing a job one hated but needed and the fear of being trapped in it forever. Some of the deaths and images are the best I've ever seen in horror. Author : Richard E. Dansky Hey, so awhile back I had been hearing nothing but praise and recommendations for the Pseudopod podcast. Leonard looked at the heron, a faint frisson of fear wafting deliciously through him. He had felt fear before, had felt it all day as a matter of fact. Pseudopod is the world's first audio horror magazine. Host : Soren Narnia Audio Producer : Marty Perrett Season 3 Episode 17 The Horror Pod Class- The Ghost Ships Episode… 652 episodes, 4 ratings & reviews. Discuss on Forums We deliver bone-chilling stories from today's most talented authors straight to ears. On the fourth visit of that week, however, or perhaps it was the fifth, the great blue heron abruptly changed its course when Leonard settled in, squelchily, for his customary period of observation and contemplation.

But mostly, he did it to watch the herons.

The Sound of Horror. by Richard Dansky Leonard liked watching them, finding something soothing in their manner. Pseudopod is the world's first audio horror magazine. So I downloaded the episodes "Oranges Lemons and Thou beside me" and "White Street Society." This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Bummer! Most of the episodes I've tried aren't my thing at all.

Narrator : Kris Straub

But mostly, he did it to watch the herons. Bonus and ad-free content available with Stitcher Premium. Pseudopod is the world's first audio horror magazine. Listen to the whole archive of PseudoPod mp3s and review your favorite episodes on Podyssey Podcasts. This was different, tantalizingly so. Leonard looked at the heron, a faint frisson of fear wafting deliciously through him. Even in the most civilized of deskbound men, the most thoroughly domesticated pusher of paper and pencils and long-tailed electronic mice, there remains the atavistic remnants ... Herons, even great blues, were not curious creatures. Re: Best of Pseudopod 2012 Nominations Reply #10 on: January 29, 2013, 08:28:17 PM I'll be lazy and just pull the top three off the Best of List that I posted yesterday: Good Pseudopod episodes? For over a decade, Pseudopod has been bringing you the best short horror in audio form, to take with you anywhere. They were placid, and they were predatory, and they soared above the still waters while giving their great calls of gronk, gronk, gronk that would not have sounded amiss in the epoch of the dinosaurs.