It's no different from the laws barring them from signing contracts or not attending school.

They turn up with condoms, alcohol and gifts.This people should be given as least 5 years sentence.Most definitely, a case could be dismissed; but still the guy's name and face were all over the TV.PERVS! Even if they are unaware that transmitting hazardous materials is a felony, they must know that getting the car to drive hours with the intent to have relations with said child is also wrong... this is a choice they have made.Taking the choices out of their hands is entrapment. Hence when these guys contact by phone who there talking to they get a 40 year old cop with a smokers voice saying how old do you want me to be. This last part is tricky because it is subjective in that a judge and or jury might not find the evidence to be beyond a reasonable doubt.

List your movie, TV & celebrity picks. Now if they got online and literally talked a guy into this or played on his natural excitment to get him to break the law, that's entrapment. These people drive 3 1/2 hours to see a kid. You can only offer yourself up as a meal once.

They talk vey well and can trick a child.fukin briliant,those duchbags shud go to afrika or sumthin,cud probly buy 10 kids 4 a dollarOk I'm drunk (sorry for spelling spelling) and here is my take on the subject:From what I can gather it seems that the major part in all child abuse cases comes from someone within the family.

Out of the (probably, lost count) hundreds of people we've trolled, we have /never/ managed to get lucky enough to troll a female pedo. One of the most disturbing moments comes when the mayor and sheriff of Coleman’s town says Sam Cooke’s murder was played as a simple robbery by the white authorities at the time. If this is to be given credit as a sting, we should be able to make comparisons between a sting of this nature, and stings of other sorts. I would like to see more of these type of operation happening every country to rid the world of pedophiles.If organizations like the United Nations concentrated on the protection of the children of the world against sex crimes, may be the problems there trying to solve at present with little success to date may improve though the understanding and the compassion we all have for children.I have a 5 year old child and if anyone touched or harmed him in any way, the person better hope that the police catch him before I did, because what I would do to that person I would not try to attempt to explain the torture and terror I would inflict on that "thing".

These people think about it all the time. The people and the law don't see different levels of sex offenders, even when there should be. However, these men are not taking advantage of children, and should Perverted Justice or Dateline keep pulling this crap, the least the US Law could do is change enough to create another brance in the Sex Predator family tree.The "I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT I WAS DOING" Sex Crime... because it OBVIOUSLY exists.Coming from a female rape survivor who was raped at the age of 8 and molested for months after by the same man, anyone who devises having sex with an underage child, whether it be female or male, whether the intended victim be 10 or 15, the perpetrator is guilty of attempting or enacting said crime. I'll tell you. Only a few minutes old the little crocodile is proving his independence. Except when you go to the other country, the devils and angels are reversed, but the posters are identical.Ask yourself, why isn't there a show called "To Prevent Dumb Slutty Girls from being Dumb Slutty Girls?" I think the first group should be taken off the streets, and I think the second group should not be entrapped. lets understand how the mind has fantasies, how people have problems in finding mature relationships, and a heathy society understands its own sexuality. If you decided one night to get drunk and then made the decision (just once) to get behind the wheel of a car and THEN had an accident and killed someone... should you not go to jail? When a one-digit difference is the only thing that separates legal interaction from a sex crime, there had better be some strict safeguards in place to prevent an innocent person being convicted and humiliated on national television.By using Perverted Justice to run their sting operations without revealing whether measures are being taken to verify the chat logs Dateline has lost all credibility on this subject. The story is about Nick Yarris who spent 22 years on death row fighting for his freedom. It's a free compilation of all documentaries posted each week, straight to your inbox. Some of these people are just curious individuals and are harmless. They all knew that it was illegal. I wish every country could have a dedicated team of specialists like them to catch the predators out there. The person who is having this drug pushed on him always has a choice to make. HEROES protecting the innocent. It's despicable. Of course I put nothing past Date Line or any other sensationalized T.V. Sick, twisted men who want to do minors are now behind bars. Hunting season anyone? Jbriggs is making a good point - we only consider it taboo because of our current society.

2003, Nature - 50 min 17 Comments. and any of you that dont agree with me have never had to see someone suffer the after effect of some pervert!!! Many suffer huge consequences,sometimes for life...teenage pregnancy, disease, injury, emotional trauma etc. wasnt it normal for 50 year old men to marry 13 year old girls only a century ago? Find something great to watch now. Thank you CHRIS HANSEN for continuing to expose all these unknown, online sick bastards. And, the men, were enticed into it.If you think this group and this show was actually concerned with preventing crimes, then I advise you to look up Louis Conradt. Next i want Grizzly vs. Gorilla. Jan Broberg was abducted twice by the same family friend in her teens. so you say they should be killed? Many of us have urges, some of which may be harmful to others and should be controlled. This argument fails because it lacks equal treatment under the law. or 16! The twists and turns this documentary takes in telling the story of how one man could convince two parents that his kidnapping and raping of their 12-year-old daughter — But once the documentary dives into why the protagonists left, it becomes clear that heinous crimes are lurking just under the surface.