The researchers estimate that the animals had a length of 2 to 3 meters and teeth 1 or 2 centimeters long.They lived 400 million years ago, especially in North America. Sharks appeared on Earth more than 400 million years ago, and they still continue to amazing us with their features.It is not easy to find fossils of sharks as their skeletons consist of cartilage instead of bones.

And some fossils of shark-like chondrichthyans scales (from a group of fish including sharks, rays, and their relatives) date as far back as 440 million years.Because shark skeletons are made of soft cartilage, which doesn't fossilize well, most of what scientists know about ancient sharks comes from teeth, scales and fin spine fossils. "It's amazing how far they can swim and for how long.

But the cartilage of early sharks would also be similar to shark cartilage today, which distinguishes sharks from most fish that have heavier skeletons made of bone. It's like sweeping a metal detector across the sand. Shark fossils date back more than 400 million years -- that means sharks managed to outlive the dinosaurs, survive mass extinctions, …

These conclusions are possible because of their teeth. It's sharks, sharks and more sharks! Long before dinosaurs walked the Earth, sharks were roaming the oceans. They eat the sick and the weak, and that keeps prey populations from growing out of control." They were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates for over 160 million years, from the late Triassic period (about 230 million years ago) until the end of the Cretaceous (about 65 million years ago) this clearly shows that sharks formed way long before dinosaurs.

Many of them migrated to new areas to find new food sources. Some bottom-dwelling sharks that feed on mollusks have teeth suited to grinding and cracking shells open. Simon's back for Shark Adventure number 2. "That's why hammerheads have that shape. Dinosaurs are a diverse group of animals of the clade and superorder Dinosauria. The changes in this period were due to the shifts in water temperatures. Their legacy has been traced back at least 420 million years which is quite amazing. In some areas, there weren’t much fish.
Source(s) : wikipedia. "The biggest threat facing sharks as a group is unsustainable overfishing," Shiffman said. But the size of sharks varies greatly. "The common thread is that they exploit different parts of the marine ecosystem," Bernard explained. I've seen what appear to be sharks in aquariums, but i don't live somewhere where sharks could be found.

Therefore, some species of sharks became dependent upon other prey like clams and mollusks, and others opted for plankton.Researchers have found some fossils along with teeth that date back to the Miocene period.

0 0 0. As a result of these adaptations, most large sharks have few natural predators apart from other sharks. … Movies would have you think that sharks are bloodthirsty predators that pose a threat to swimmers and surfers. 12 days ago. And according to Bernard, sharks about 60 feet long (18 meters) exist in the fossil record. "Teeth are one good illustration of how modern day sharks evolved in different ways.

So many sharks are built for speed. Get your sunscreen ready, this adventure starts off on Australia's Great Barrier Reef, and ends up in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Others, such as goblin sharks (which have a crazy jaw protrusion), have needle-like teeth used for piercing fish. And the biggest fish in the ocean, the filter-feeding whale shark, eats plankton and doesn't actually use its 300 rows of pointed teeth to eat.A rare goblin shark was caught by fishermen off Green Cape on the Australian coast. We're going to a very famous cafe, but sorry, there won't be any coffee! Marine conservation biologist David Shiffman said. But actually, The teeth and jaw of a Great White Shark are displayed in Sydney, Australia.

"So the more generalist an animal is the more likely it will be to adapt and survive changes in its environment, and the group as a whole will survive. Chat with us in Facebook Messenger.

"They use that for navigation, to swim in the open ocean, and also to find prey that's buried under the sand," Shiffman said. As they found new environments though they had to evolve to be able to survive there.

Dinosaurs are land-based animal.