], symbols of the passion [?] It dates back to at least the 14th century, although some of the tracery is 13th century and the lower part of the tower is … Although H. C. Jones, rector 1823-40, was Evening services ... ALDHAM. Aldham Church, Suffolk Image ID FOT515408 Rights RM Rights Managed Image Details Image File Attributes 27.0 MB JPEG Image Dimensions 3495 x 5217 px Image Print Size (at 300 ppi) 296 x 442 mm 11.7 x 17.4 in Visual Size @300ppi The register dates from 1666. The rectory was appropriated

stones being moved to the new churchyard.

Insurance Society. A small 13th-century or earlier church seems to

laration of trust of 1973, gave a quarter of its It appears in the second series of the BBC Four television series Detectorists. ished before the mid 18th century. Aldham is a small hamlet north of Hadleigh, leading off the road to Elmsett. nately, but in 1316 William Goldington gave the

church or college of Stanstead St. Margaret or Thele (Herts.). The church at Aldham, situated in a delightful location, is of very ancient origin. Round-tower churches are a type of church found mainly in England, mostly in East Anglia; of about 185 surviving examples in the country, 124 are in Norfolk, 38 in Suffolk, six in Essex, three in Sussex and two each in Cambridgeshire and Berkshire.There is evidence of about 20 round-tower churches in Germany, of similar design and construction to those in East Anglia.

The church, which is dedicated to St. Mary, is very old, with a Norman round tower, and a porch of wood. comprised chancel, and nave with north chapel, The church is very ancient, and has a Norman round tower.

Aldham Priory was on the site of Priory Farm, which you will pass during the course of this circular walk.

A silver chalice was stolen in 1552 and a Act of Uniformity.

his successor in 1560 was deprived under the The chancel has a C14 kingpost roof.

south aisle built, perhaps by the Tey family. the maintenance of the church; the remainder with his curate, the Aldham and United Parishes

I 2. south aisle, south porch, and western bell turret. near the western parish boundary, was first another was lost between 1684 and the 1760s. Aldham agreed to present to the church alter- income, which totalled £168 in 1998, to the Transcribed from The Comprehensive Gazetteer of England & Wales, 1894-5. A priory cell formerly existed in this parish. Aldham church porch c. 1845. In 1554 the rector was deprived for marriage; Near it is Aldham Common, which, in 1555, was the scene of the martyrdom of Rowland Taylor." Listing NGR: TM0408444411 Post was not sent - check your email addresses! ALDHAM CHURCH LANE 1. The 5377 Church of St Mary TM 04 SW 42/1 23.1.58.

and a vicarage instituted, with the diocesan century, when the north or St. Anne's chapel A priory cell stood at Priory Farm. A circular west tower has a C11-C12 base. and a stylised lily [?] The surviving bells are (i) Thomas Bullisdon,

whole advowson to endow a chantry in the There are some C15 carved benches and a C15 lectern. he was active in Aldham, building the new

early 16th-century, (ii) William Dawe, The graveyard at the old church was disused chapel was roofless by 1639 and had been demol- St Mary, open, is a round tower church with fascinating bench end carvings - an almost de Vere star, what looks like a horned star, a bearded bear [? Dr. Rowland Taylor was burned, in 1555, on Aldham Common, where a monument has been erected as a memorial.

Church of England Diocese of St.Edmundsbury & Ipswich Aldham St Mary's, Aldham, Suffolk We have a range of service styles every month (see "Services and Events" on this website); although our present congregation is past its first flush of youth we try to blend innovation and tradition and aim to be always be reverent and relevant. A flint church with stone dressings built circa 1340. It has a Norman round tower. One of the four bells was sold in 1552, and

site of the old church and graveyard was sold in also archdeacon of Essex and vicar of West Ham, St Mary's is a small, pretty church with a round tower, situated on a hill overlooking a valley. Central to this research is the round tower church of Eccles St. Mary next the Sea…..which not surprisingly you do not feature in your map since most of it, following severe coast erosion was dismantled in 1570, and the surviving tower stood on the foreshore until 1895 when it … north-west of the site of the later house; in 1662 In 1555 Aldham Common was the location for the martyrdom of Dr Rowland Taylor, the rector of Hadleigh, during the … The hamlet was mentioned in the Domesday Book, when it had a population of 16. The south tower door of c. 1300, the 14th- century piscinae in the chancel and south aisle, the 14th-century vestry door, the 15th-century door of the south porch, the early 18th-century altar rails, and the lower part of the font are all from the old church. by 1887 and officially closed in 1965, the tomb-

was added, apparently by James at Lee, and the have been enlarged and remodelled in the 14th The rectory house recorded in 1610 stood Edward H. Lee's charity, founded by a dec-

1981. was given to the elderly. - royal arms for GRIII and ERII, a good font and an extraordinary range of poppyheads. The church, which until 1854 stood

copper one shortly afterwards.

The Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) tradition in the 20th century.

rector towards his expenses, and a quarter for