Of course, to bear the brunt of physical, social or verbal abuse and attack is truly a terrible experience and must not be dismissed lightly. Now he goes one step further and assures these Christians that this same divine Spirit now “rests on them”, to keep them strong in the faith and assure them of their participation in God’s glory.The Spirit assists believers by giving them boldness and ability to confess their faith.

God’s glory reflects his essential nature.Moreover, God is the source of all good things. Published by The High Calling, September 26, 2015.

He knew its depths, its agony, its costs, its stresses.

Spirit of Grace . Peter’s rationale for this lies in the proof it provides that “the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you” (vs. 14b). The final five psalms each begin with the shout “Praise the Lord!” As our survey of the psalms has shown, work is...In the course of an extended argument beginning in chapter 8 on an issue of critical importance to believers in...In Isaiah 60, the Lord promises to restore Israel in order to bring glory to himself.

The hope of glory includes our resurrection: “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you” (Romans 8:11).

We are not sure whether Peter intended to say “the things of glory and the Spirit of God rest on you” or “the Spirit of glory and of God rest on you”. This oracle commonly ranks high among the messianic prophecies in the Old Testament. As well it describes the “oracle box” attached to the ephod worn by the High Priest (Exodus 28:15) through which God would provide “oracles for settling cases”. The second meaning of glory is stunningly different from praise for the Lord.

We are not sure whether Peter intended to say “the things of glory and the Spirit of God rest on you” or “the Spirit of glory and of God rest on you”. When we hear this, it can seem odd...Every resource on our site was made possible through the financial support of people like you.

With your gift of any size, you’ll enable us to continue equipping Christians with high-quality biblically-based content. By Mark D. Roberts.

He urges believers to consider it joy when they “share in the sufferings of the Messiah” (vs. 13).

He actually shares his glory with us.

Spirit of Yahweh, (Spirit of the Lord Yahweh) Isaiah 11:2, Isaiah 61:1. Closely related to this usage is the employment of the word to ascribe honor and praise to God; see Luke 17:18, where only the stranger returned to give glory to God; or John 9:24, where the man who had been born blind is bidden to give glory to God; or the phrase "to the glory of God" in Romans 15:7, where the meaning is to secure the honor and praise of God among men. Traditional worship services often include the Gloria Patri: “Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit … ” Preachers tell us we should seek to glorify God in all we do. God provides others in Israel to help him share this burden. Contemporary songs and classic hymns celebrate God’s glory.
You should not suggest in any way that The High Calling or Theology of Work endorses you or your use of the work.

When they experience suffering, this should be considered confirmation that God’s Spirit resides within them.

Meaning-The Holy Spirit always gives Glory to God!

I think the second option is the more probable because Peter uses a singular verb, suggesting a single subject, not a compound subject.Many commentators note that Peter’s language here is very similar to that found in Isaiah 11:2. This term does not occur in the Bible, and is … But he does have some surprising things to say about it!One of them occurs in 1 Peter 4:14. How have you experienced God’s glory?

He begins this paragraph with a somber warning: “The raging fire among you, as it happens for testing, do not think it strange as if some strange thing is occurring” (vs.12). So perhaps we can understand Peter’s concentration on suffering. When some object to their activity, Moses expresses his desire that “all the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put his Spirit on them” (11:29). Image by 19.
I do not think it is coincidental that Jesus in one of his last major addresses promises that the Holy Spirit will give the Messiah’s followers the words to say when they are arrested and persecuted (Mark 13:11).

In 3:15 Peter encourages believers to be “ready always to give a reason for the hope that is in you to everyone who asks you”. Those who speak are to speak “as it were the oracles of God” to God’s glory.

Creation and New Creation examines the doctrine of creation alongside new creation.