Enneagram type 9people remind us of the essential quality of union, wholeness, and completeness.

They want to make sure that others that are vulnerable get what they need as far as the right type of care. They are also great listeners and at seeing both sides of things.The nine enneagram numbers are divided into three categories of expression: Action, Feeling, and Thinking. They are diplomatic in their choice of words, modest and generally easy-going. While there are almost always some aspects of work that a person will favor less than others, it is important when possible to identify which parts of your job are energizing and which parts are draining.Because an enneagram nine is motivated by a desire to create peace and bring people together, if they are doing work that they feel causes them to compromise this core longing it will not be fulfilling to them.Enneagram nines will be demotivated from engaging with their work if:If you are enneagram nine, assess your current role and look for opportunities you may be overlooking to use your unique giftings and talents. They find it stressful to handle otherwise. They can make great school counselors and provide kids that are struggling with their own situations comforting and useful advice.They would also make excellent psychologists and psychotherapists. An enneagram nine is situated within the action center. Editing and proofreading is a good career role for The Peacemaker for this reason.Not only will they be able to look over the work that someone has done and to provide helpful feedback. 9 Social Worker Those who have the Enneagram 9 personality type really do care for others. However, they will do so in a kind and encouraging way because that is how their natural demeanor happens to be.Someone who is naturally patient is most likely to be good with young kids. However, they are not the type that would be drawn to traditional Western medicine. Their gift is that they know how to create inner stability. They have to let what they are feeling and thinking out somehow.

Hearing about people’s problems and being allowed to help can really make them feel valuable and useful. She has many ghostwriting clients of various niches and also writes for BabyGaga, as well as AskAstrology. They would be able to sit with the care recipient and listen to their needs. It is yours to keep and use as often as needed.Because our products are digital goods delivered via Internet download refund requests made after you have downloaded our product are handled on a case by case basis and are issued at our sole discretion. Website for moms seeking advice, community, and entertainment.
"Nines are accepting, trusting and stable. Yoga is meant to calm the mind and body through different types of stretching exercises. Writing is the best way of communication for them.The common stereotype of The Peacemaker is that their favorite things are napping and baking. Additionally, someone who can give good advice in addition to being patient would make an excellent elementary school teacher. Pregnancy and parenting news, given to you in a way nobody else has. Therefore, enneagram type nine careers that provide an opportunity to mediate conflicts, support others, and bring groups together will allow them to naturally lean into their giftings and personality traits.By the way, if you’re not quite sure which number you are, feel free to check out the post: The spectrum of work represented by the list of type nines above varies tremendously. Therefore, because they can listen to their bodies and heal themselves, they would want to do the same for others. You do not need a PayPal account to complete a transaction. If The Peacemaker is aware of that and can mentally prepare themselves, then it is a good choice.Keeping the peace is what The Peacemaker wants, which is why this Therefore, the human resource manager role is a great fit for those who have the Enneagram Type 9 personality. Counseling is a great option for those who have this personality type. The fact that they enjoy baking is indicative that having a career role as a baker is the right one for them.In fact, this option would make them quite enthusiastic about going to work each day at the bakery. Enneagram Type Nine Description Click on a link below to go to that section of this page: In-Depth Description of Enneagram Type Nine Career Talents, Values & Interests for Enneagram Type Nines Natural Gifts and Talents of Nines Some Life Values of Nines Careers That Especially Interest Nines
They can look over something that someone has created or written and add their input into it in a kind and constructive way. They would have great knowledge when it comes to healing herbs as well as crystals. The Enneagram Type 9 personality is known as The Peacemaker, and here are 10 careers that this personality type is guaranteed to love. Refund requests, if any, must be made within ten (10) days of your original purchase.Yes, you can view all available career guides by clicking When you click the buy now button you will be directly sent to PayPal. Could your life be more fulfilling if you had a clear path toward meaningful work?If you believe it is time to make a change, use the Enneagram Career Guide For Type Nine to help navigate toward meaningful work.The Career Guide is delivered by email as a PDF file. They are usually creative, optimistic and supportive, but can also be … If you still are unsure or feel stuck try the following two suggestions.How much is a frustrating work environment costing you? Enneagram Type 9 Careers Nines excel at adapting and coping and tend to be extremely flexible in their careers. This can translate into Type Nines being content in most any career field, however, Nines tend to steer clear of high profile, stressful, or leadership jobs.