A highly infectious airborne viral illness.

Skin disease - Skin disease - Appearance: Skin diseases in which there is an overproduction of epidermal cells or a disorganization of their differentiation often show scaling.
"More often than not, a patient will come in, and the lesions that bring them into the office and what their chief complaint is one of these two things: sun damage or hyper-pigmentation," Alexiades-Armenakas said.Genetics play more of a role in basal cell and melanoma than in squamos cell, which is due to sun exposure.

Symptoms include rashes on the face, scalp, behind the elbows, or on the neck, wrists, ankles, or legs. Many treatments help to bring relief from symptoms. For some people, the symptoms are in one area, while others find that it spreads slowly over many years. One of the most widespread skin conditions, acne comes in many forms. "Production really spikes and valleys in the course of a day, and this surging of the growth hormone is why acne is most severe in the teenage years. When facing any skin disorder, it is important for people not to do so alone. Most of us have had contact dermatitis - when we touch something that evolves into a skin reaction.

A bacterial infection in the deeper layers of the skin, which develops quickly and can spread rapidly throughout the body. The skin between the toes or under the foot may be soggy, white, cracked, or scaly.
If moles have asymmetrical shapes, ragged edges, uneven colors, or change in size, they should be checked. Because skin is the largest body organ, the effects of its disorders are as psychological as they are physical. This can be very itchy. Treatment is usually an anti-fungal cream or other fungal treatment. These sores then burst and leave a crust. They often go away on their own, though unsightly warts can be treated with liquid nitrogen or medicated creams. • Andrews RM, McCarthy J, Carapetis JR, Currie BJ (December 2009). A white-to-yellow crust may appear on the surface of the skin as well. In babies, this is commonly known as cradle cap. There are three common forms of eczema:— Atopic dermatitis is the most common and is seen most often in children. Some may start in childhood and continue into adulthood. It is most common in the legs, but can occur everywhere. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten,

Dermatomyositis is a rare inflammatory skin disease most common in children ages 5 to 15 and adults between 40 and 60.

Like other tissues, skin is afflicted by all types of pathological changes, and thus skin diseases have a wide range of causes. In adults, seborrheic dermatitis may appear anywhere, and is prone to flare up and disappear for the rest of a person’s life. Although hemangiomas are easily discovered on the skin, they can actually be found on various organs of the body, and are commonly discovered on the liver. This crust then dries out and leaves a red mark that fades without scarring. ; To prevent contact dermatitis, avoid the object when possible.

Most cases are treated with antibiotics. 56 (6): 1421–40. Vaccines are said to help prevent shingles. Whiteheads and blackheads are the most commonly known; nodular and cystic acne are more severe because they form deep in the skin and can cause scars.Eighty percent of Americans will have acne at some point in their lives, and 60 percent will continue to experience it into adulthood.Factors like heredity can play a role in developing acne, but Alexiades-Armenakas said that hormones are the most important factor.